Robbie, you should have posted this on your other thread, don't always make a new thread.
Also, read the stickies before posting:
Step 16 - CTF Worldspawn Keys
Let's put some flags and bases in our map. If you have trouble with this, you may want to open the provided which includes these entities. First, let's give our map a name. Hit ESC to deselect everything and "E" to bring up the entity window. You should just see "classname" - "worldspawn". Click the "+" button. Add "message" and "Test CTF Map" for the key and value (without the quotes). This will be displayed at the console when the map loads.
Now we need to specify the game mode and teams. Press "+" again, and add "gamemode" "4". A game mode of 4 tells paintball2 that this map supports CTF. Now add the following key/values (without the quotes):
"maxteams" "2"
"team1" "red"
"team2" "blue"
This tells the game that the map supports 2 teams. Team #1 is red, and team #2 is blue. You can get more information on entities by visiting the docs page on or clicking the "?" next to the drop-down in BSP.