This is what comes up in the black little box
Date: 2008-06-21
Winsock Initialized
====== Paintball II Intiialized ======
exexing configs/myserver.cfg
usage: set <variables> <value> [u/s]
only public dedicated servers use masters.
49 CMblist entrys found.
====PB2 Initgame ====
autojoin on, normal
=== rotayion Init ====
14 maps added to rotation.
Global login enabled.
------- Server Intitialization -------
mapname: midnight
====PB2 Initmatch ====
== maploaded: midnight ==
=== Team Flag CTF ===
0 entities inhibited
0 teams with 0 entities
ACE: NO node file found, creation new one...done.
20:00 left in match.
PB_droptofloor:item_pballco2 startssoild at (656 -32 144)
PB_droptofloor: item_pballco2 startssoild at (1136 224 240)
but i cant get it to go public or get it on the list pleade help.