Yeah. I guess I made the mistake of releasing out for feedback too early. Oh well. I have some updated screenshots.
The main focus of this map is to have 2 main routes (your basic left and right route). Since the them is cave-ish, icey, water, cave-ish (excuse my redundancy but whatever) I thought it would be appropriate to offer different z routes and paths that alter from the main routes.
I wanted to make this map a very fast map, and it is indeed a fast map ( hence, you can rush your bum off if you really want too ) but, the alternating z routes offer death from above (or below) and spots for camping. So it really mixes up gameplay. I wonder how people will tend to play the map when it's done.
Anyways - screenshots... c&c plz
Keep in mind this is my first map for DP. I'll plan on releasing more as i become enlightened with map ideas. But i have to say that this is a pretty tight map being my first.
top - down
low side iced waterfall... ontop of the ice on the waterfall will be some items and allows for one of the two jumps to the cocker on the broken trough
broken trough / waterfall / trick barrel jump... should i make that water on the very bottom ice? slick? the double jump works very nice over the barrels... cocker placement seems good
unfinished base... i feel like located the flag in the middle of the room instead of in the water (where i had planned it to be) flag placement feedback?
NOTE: I haven't even touched the other main route. or the other base... refrain from any comments on that please