First impression, I like the new chat sound, but amongst all the background noises and guns, it feels a litttttle too quiet.
yootz is correct.
I think I've mentioned this before, but here it is again:
1.) The recordings need help. All of the gun sounds have clipping issues (recorded at too high a level so the loudest parts of the scale), many recordings are mainly clipped waves. Clipping digital audio only results in incredible levels of distortion, which means most the guns sound like "kuchsshshshhhshshsh".
2.) The final sounds all need to be relative to eachother. They are fairly close right now, but a few are stray.
3.) Various coding (?) issues. One that stands out is when a play grabs/caps/releases two flags at once, the same sound is somehow layered. The result is a sound effect that is twice (6db) as loud as it should be. Through speakers its very noticeable, through headphones its painful. Another one is when switching between the OS and game, some remnant sounds from the absent period are played back upon rejoining. I'm thinking this is a directsound buffer issue, but I really have no idea.
I would like to assist with the audio but my initial offer of aid quickly got turned into a request for me to record new sounds. This I cant do, mainly because of equipment. I don't have field recording capabilities nor the guns or any other paintball items.
What I am able to do is to take original recordings and master them into a final comprehensive set of gaming sounds. The only limitation is that the sounds must not be in a irrecoverable state. Clipping is highly destructive to the waveform as any signal that outside of the recording window is absent except for the artifacts left behind. This means that the clipped set of recordings we currently use cannot be manipulated to any substantial improvement.
The solutions are either the original set of these recordings before any type of amplification sent them into a clipped state, or a new set of recordings which simply aren't clipped. Whoever is doing the recording must have someway to monitor and adjust the input. If you have a meter on your recording software/device (I don't know of any that don't), use it. The signal should never hit 0db, and should stay below -3db. Even if you record what seems to be a very soft signal, it's much more workable than recorded hot or clipped. Feel free to contact me about recording techniques.
Lastly, I'm more than willing to record sounds if people will send me the guns on loan.
I can help with getting sound effects together, and any kind of mastering work. If you truly want to go to releasable state there are plenty of cheesy free sound effects out there. Personally, I wouldn't do an overhaul until the RIAA came with a subpoena.