Author Topic: Request: An empassioned plea to all  (Read 1241 times)


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 376
Request: An empassioned plea to all
« on: October 13, 2008, 10:31:53 AM »
'too long; didn't read' digest: need models and textures, please help!

Good afternoon,

I come before you, oh great citizens of, with a humble request for all lovers of great maps who have any degree of ability in modelling or texture artistry to step forward and assist me in polishing a marvellous new creation from the mind of Dr Rick Dagless M.D.

The map theme is one of ancient fantasy, set in an ornate medievil castle-type of thing. I'm around halfway through the brushwork of this map, and already it's looking pretty great if I do say so myself.

So, onto the requests:

1) A suit of armour.

The above link is a previous request for a suit of armour, the sample photo of which is perfect for my purposes. As you can see in the thread, y00tz might have made some headway, if this ever came to anything I'd really like to know!

Either way, if anyone thinks they can make a suitable suit of armour to this kind of design, I'd really appreciate it if you could reply in this thread.

2) A lion's head fountain carving

I need a largish (see below for comments on scale, etc..) lions head carving, for a large water feature in the map. The design in the photo is basically exactly what I'd like to have. I'll be happy to discuss specifics if anyone thinks they are up to the task.

3) Gargoyles!

The gargoyles don't need to be particularly detailed or whatnot, just recognisable as part of some fairly baroque architecture. They will just project out like the one in the photo.

3) Vegetation

This will probably be the easiest one. I don't need anything as elaborate as sk89q's trees, just some really basic model vines to form part of a canopy. These will almost certainly just be like:

side:                                      face on:
|_______________________|          \/     
|_______________________|          /\

...with alpha-transparent vine textures with the leaves running along it, so when bunched together it looks like a lush bunch of leaves.

So, thats what I need. If anyone thinks they might be able to help but don't have the time nor inclination to texture the models too, please speak up anyway - I'd also like to ask for anyone who might be able to help me/us skin the models with suitable textures to speak up too. Between us hopefully we can put together some pretty neat materials for this new map which I promise will be a stunner.

note on scales and measurements: I'll discuss these with the people who are interested, I'd like to get some feedback about the most effective and efficent implementations of the models seeing we have such limited resources at hand.


- Dr Rick Dagless M.D