This guy was pretty calm. He was probably just coming out of hibernation.
This particular species is rather funny looking. Very large body then tapers quickly to a small nub for a tail.
AS far a venomous snakes go, we have copperheads, water moccasins, and cotton mouths, all part of the viper family. We also have the small coral snakes which are highly venomous.
Last year, a momma copperheads decided to have a litter of babies on my garage. had 4 or so that I could see less than 10" long and VERY agitated.
During the summer I usually carry my shotgun with my while on the tractor when working out in the brush. I keep it loaded with bird shot.
On a side note: It looks like the bobcats are back as I have their lil footie prints on my tractor seat again.