So I began mapping last night at 2:30 am and I successfully built a room with 4 walls, a floor, a sky, and some weird floating box that was[n't] intentional. But you know what else I did right that more and more map makers today don't?
** I MADE THE SPAWNS FACE THE RIGHT DIRECTION. Nothing is more annoying to me than facing the wrong way when you spawn. That's .25 seconds I could be moving forward and rushing to the middle... and what's worse, is usually these maps have the following problem as well...
** I didn't make stupid piles of gear that sometimes don't spawn on time if you start the round immediately running forward, and therefore you magically don't get a gun or hopper, or by chance pick up the ammo before the hopper and end up with only 40 ammo which then screws everyone else over because I'm a newbie and I run over all the other piles, sometimes while shooting my gun to change my co2 because I don't know any better. Instead, I made my guys SPAWN WITH THE EQUIPMENT THAT YOU'RE OBVIOUSLY SUPPOSED TO PICK UP. It was surprisingly easy. Personally, I prefer maps where you have to go pick up the guns away from the spawn, but if you're absolutely dead set on everyone spawning with/ontopof equipment, please just make them spawn with it.
Now it's time to make that weird floating box go away...