
Do you like the idea?

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Author Topic: New Rank/Server Idea  (Read 12607 times)


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 435
Re: New Rank/Server Idea
« Reply #40 on: December 03, 2007, 02:55:20 PM »

Mizerakk.  1v1 right now.  Please Pm me on irc as we have flamed enough on this thread.

I will deal with you as how I deal with any other cocky newbies who think they're good.

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Re: New Rank/Server Idea
« Reply #41 on: December 03, 2007, 03:03:38 PM »
We've been talking internally at eR33t about this idea for quite some time.

What is with the new trend of cutting out newbs?  I doubt discriminating against Europeans will help Paintball 2 at all.  Instead newbs and Euros, arguably a majority of our player base, would seek refuge elsewhere, leading to Paintball 2 to lose players but never gain...

Not that many who have posted in this thread have been here for a long time, but public servers used to be where about 10 people knew howto play PB2 decently (like actually capture a flag or rush to middle), and 2-6 didn't.  These days NA servers are 4-6 players who have a good grasp on the game, and 10-26 players who don't speak english and have no idea what they're doing.  I'm sure that the europeans have it easier since all the speed servers they have filter out all of the super-newb players, NA only has pub servers with traditional settings all over the place.

The current state of DP's pickup games are pretty pub-centric at the moment anyway.  Someone decides to grab a server, /amsg the ip and password and players from IRC connect and disconnect at their leisure.  Maybe a few maps get played, generally not the same teams but it is a nice change of pace to be playing with teammates who might recon, or might grab a flag every now or then.  Lots of clans are abusing pickup games by grabbing matches from them (much like we used to grab matches from players in pub servers).  Even pug organizers are flaking out on pugs two-three minutes into a game because two teams in the pug want to match and it wipes out half of the players.  Not very fun.  I'd rather have a privatized public server where selected players can come and go as they please, play a few minutes or a few hours, whatever.  75% of the pugs I've been in recently have been killed by a clan match.  75% of the recent public games I've played have been ruined by clueless Brazilians who complain about the long respawn time.

Players just starting out are looking for the most play time possible.  Why wait 60s when you can be instantly respawned?  I think all of the speed servers are segregating this "community" more then a couple ranked servers where the good players play.  These new players are also not going to stick around in a server where they die every round have have to wait 60s for a respawn.

How would new players get on this privatized public server?  We'll we'd rely on guys like you and m7feettall who bringing these guys in, getting them on IRC and Vent, and getting them better at the game.  I don't think it would be too hard to keep a 12 player server at 50% capacity during peak hours if we only gave 200-300 people access to the server.  We used to public servers like this that were constantly packed, when the total active player base in NA alone was just 200-300 people.


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Re: New Rank/Server Idea
« Reply #42 on: December 03, 2007, 04:58:34 PM »
I think I agree with what Bain is saying. I do know that in order for me to get better when I first started I relied on a lot on playing the more skilled players. I'm at the point where I need more guidance on strategy then anything else. In order to get that I rely on playing against teams like stars. Public servers do get killed by teams joining and then leaving for 1vs1, 2vs2, 3vs3's. Another thing I agree with is having a privatized public server as I mentioned earlier. By giving out the pass to all who are considered descent players. There has been plenty of times where WsL has been doing practice runs on a match server and the team members invite numerous people who are idle in irc. It turns out to be a blast and we run about 4 to 10 maps before people start leaving because of time differences. This morning we had 5 WsL members, Hades, Edge, and Justin5 all playing together. It was a blast. If your interested in playing with a bunch of above average skilled players then idle our channel and ask if we're playing fun games. :P


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Re: New Rank/Server Idea
« Reply #43 on: December 03, 2007, 08:10:16 PM »
I remember when everyone in pubs would recon.


  • Autococker
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Re: New Rank/Server Idea
« Reply #44 on: December 03, 2007, 09:17:53 PM »
I remember when everyone in pubs would recon.

Yeah that was when I first started. I mean I know that I would recon in pub now I do here and there but usually I don't.


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Re: New Rank/Server Idea
« Reply #45 on: December 04, 2007, 01:22:35 AM »
From my experience, the newbies don't even seem to use the recon in pubs. Of course, it may be possible they don't even comprehend English very well.


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Re: New Rank/Server Idea
« Reply #46 on: December 04, 2007, 01:25:59 AM »
The second part of that is so true.


  • Autococker
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Re: New Rank/Server Idea
« Reply #47 on: December 04, 2007, 06:38:08 AM »
I can see where you are coming from that more non-english speaking players now play, but its not very accurate to base the lack of recon in pubs on it. The speed servers may be a better argument. Theres no need to recon in speed servers, and this then gets into the mentality of players when moving away from speed servers.

If people are serious about this, and other ideas, then please think about what you are saying and the points you are trying to make. KiLo, comments like yours above are obviously aimed towards offending and segregating people.


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: New Rank/Server Idea
« Reply #48 on: February 14, 2011, 10:38:41 PM »
You can'T really remove noobs from the game. Those guys are newcomers that will progressively become better and better. To find a method to remove the ''noobs'' would logically be a method to kill the game slowly. If newcomers get kicked off game, they will certainly realize how bad it is to play Dp. So while Noobs are leaving, older players are also quitting + banned players = less and less players == Game Died.


  • Stingray
  • Posts: 99
Re: New Rank/Server Idea
« Reply #49 on: February 15, 2011, 04:13:22 PM »
but, the thing is, better is playing vs. some one good, your expirence get more then. But ranking idea is cool.