Why do you force the hudscale to 1.6? Forcing it is bad enough, but using non-integer values causes it to look really bad (it has to blur the texture, and sometimes causes some really ugly artifacts). Anybody who tries this is going to have their settings stuck like that.
Yeah, it's bad, i've resized the menu to make it useful on 600x800 in 2.0.
Renaming the executable is kind of an annoyance for me. The cheat detection picks up on that (since some cheats require the executable to be a certain filename since they were designed for other games), so it generates a bunch of false positives I have to ignore.
I'm sorry :/
Why is the executable so large? The game is only like 600k, and that exe is 4 megs... not that it's a huge deal. Just weird.
It's a py2exe compiled python script - i was wondering if I should rewrite it to Java or something else, but Python works well with MCI so i don't have to fight with the copyright stuff.
That's the only reason
The app works really smooth though (about 1% CPU on my 1-cored asus eeepc).
I'm sorry for answering so late.
V2.0 preview:
>support for albums
>completely rewritten
>quick pause/unpause/next track/previous track menu
>custom mp3 directory
>ID3 tag/directory name based album detection
>album arts
>nicer menu
>auto downloading album arts
>some buttons replaced with smaller icons
>cleaner code =D
>filenames replaced with id3 titles
>support for directory trees
Sorry for my English