Author Topic: Nubcake - Pgp map (B1)  (Read 7407 times)


  • PGP
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Nubcake - Pgp map (B1)
« on: September 28, 2014, 02:04:04 PM »
Well, i randomly decided i wanted to learn bsp yesterday and this is what i've come up with so far.

Would much appreciate any and all criticism as i've just started learning bsp so yeah, tips are going to come in handy.

This map is pretty straight forward.
 - Ment for pgp really.
 - Get the flag, cap it in enemy base
 - Well that's it really.

Quick crop i know.



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Re: Nubcake - Pgp map (B1)
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2014, 04:04:31 PM »

I didn't decompile to check things out too much. But from looking at it, it looks like a lot of small brushes are used in places where they don't need to be. Little overlaps and things like that. Use a bit more carving when you can to keep the count down.

Aligning faces and textures, everyone messes this up :) An easy way to fix is by dragging the block around until the texture looks right, then lock it with alt+L and drag it back the place you want it.

Not sure if you used detail brushes or not, but make sure to use those on most things that aren't vis blockers or walls/floors/ceiling. Although it won't matter much in a smaller map like this.

The lights on the wall seem to glow a lot compared to the type of lighting the map has. If you are using sky lighting, you don't really need the lights to have such a high setting. Did you leave them at the default of 32000?

Flag isn't reachable for anyone that can't jump. Limits who will play it and enjoy it. But, it is fun to jump around on this one.

It's pretty good if this is your first attempt at bsp.


  • PGP
  • Posts: 15
Re: Nubcake - Pgp map (B1)
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2014, 01:33:00 AM »

I didn't decompile to check things out too much. But from looking at it, it looks like a lot of small brushes are used in places where they don't need to be. Little overlaps and things like that. Use a bit more carving when you can to keep the count down.

Aligning faces and textures, everyone messes this up :) An easy way to fix is by dragging the block around until the texture looks right, then lock it with alt+L and drag it back the place you want it.

Not sure if you used detail brushes or not, but make sure to use those on most things that aren't vis blockers or walls/floors/ceiling. Although it won't matter much in a smaller map like this.

The lights on the wall seem to glow a lot compared to the type of lighting the map has. If you are using sky lighting, you don't really need the lights to have such a high setting. Did you leave them at the default of 32000?

Flag isn't reachable for anyone that can't jump. Limits who will play it and enjoy it. But, it is fun to jump around on this one.

It's pretty good if this is your first attempt at bsp.

Ahh, cheers ace. (Long time no see.)

Yeah there are quite a few small brushes in places where it could've been avoided.

I did try to align the textures (Or most of em) must've missed some :o

Yup, i left the lights on the wall at default because i actually started out with pbsky3 (Night) and it looked awesome but, then i fixed some leaks and yeah. went too dark for some reason still trying to work out now :P

About the flag i suppose being a jumper i find that jump very easy (Kept overjumping tbh) but, yeah i need to remember not everone can jump.

And last but, not least. This is my first attempt at bsp :P



Forgot to ask, what do you mean by "Detail Brushes"?


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Re: Nubcake - Pgp map (B1)
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2014, 06:18:32 AM »
Forgot to ask, what do you mean by "Detail Brushes"?

A quote from another site on that:

"When you create a brush, it is by default structural. This means that not only will it be drawn on the screen and give players a bloody nose if they run into it, but it will also stop the Quake2 engine itself from rendering objects behind it. Quake2 stores a lot of information in active memory that it isn’t actually drawing at the time. To avoid loading issues, the engine keeps track of a number of things that are "just around the corner." Any brushes that are structural count as solid walls in the engine’s mind when it is deciding where the corner is. Detail brushes, on the other hand, will be drawn on the screen, and will cause the player to clip against them (bloody nose and all that), but will not stop the engine from thinking about what is behind them.

In theory, you might want every brush to be structural. The logic behind this is that the less the engine is thinking about, the faster it must be running. However, this theory doesn’t pan out. Its logic holds true only if players are holding perfectly still. Once he moves, the more pieces the level is broken up into (by the excess number of structural walls), the more pieces have to be loaded in real time. And because each of those pieces has to be calculated when you compile your map, in-game loading times, in-game re-renderings, and map compilation times all shoot through the roof. It takes well over ten thousand times longer to complete the VIS process in compiling if you have a small map that is entirely structural. As your map size increases, your compile times grow exponentially.

The other extreme isn’t any good either, though. If you were to make every brush detail (except for the outer walls - more on this in a minute), you would have an abysmal frame rate, because Quake 2 would have to render everything at once, no matter how little of it you were actually seeing.

The solution to this problem is to make every brush that serves as a wall into a structural brush, and every brush that represents something less solid (say, a table, a book case, or our crate) into a detail brush. This will mean that everything in a given room will be rendered by the engine at all times, but, since everything in that room is loaded already, running around that room won't require any reloading. "


  • PGP
  • Posts: 15
Re: Nubcake - Pgp map (B1)
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2014, 07:19:45 AM »
Ahh! Cheers that clears that up. :3


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Re: Nubcake - Pgp map (B1)
« Reply #5 on: October 03, 2014, 07:49:49 PM »
hello pker!?!,

I just tried this map. I really like the whole concept of this map. Its great in my opinion; what make it not perfect is the fact  of no "smooth path". The jumps and speed is all great(although very little double jumps, which would be amazing if it did). Apart from that, I wanna get to the "smooth path" concept. The map really lacks it, why? because there isn't really any sort of path that is smooth in strafing. Think about it, also go over the map. Try it, play it. Try all the jumps. My real question what is the purpose of the red and blue ramps that is placed near the  base? you cant jump on it even if you go from red base to blue ramp(which you miss). I've got other suggestion too, but Im abit busy. But good job, its really good. But IMO I wouldn't say its a pgp map :P




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Re: Nubcake - Pgp map (B1)
« Reply #6 on: July 06, 2019, 02:59:58 AM »
Not sure if you plan to do any more mapping, but here are some areas to improve:

1) Make sure your map is "sealed".  Looks like this one leaks so it does not VIS properly.  Also, there are parts of the map on the outside that are rendered, because it's not sealed.  You can see these if you type "gl_showtris 1" at the console.
2) Use the grid to make sure your brush edges align cleanly with the texture edges.
3) Follow this guide when releasing a map:
4) Avoid one large, open area in your maps.  Try to break them up into areas so everything isn't visible at once.  Type "r_speeds 1" and try to keep that wpoly number lower.
5) Make the map accessible to new players.  Requiring trick jumps to access flags and/or caps is likely not going to help the game grow.