You seem to have misunderstood the clan.
butt -
a person or thing that is an object of wit, ridicule, sarcasm, contempt, etc.
a target.
I don't know what kind of butt your sick mind is thinking of. But in Butt Penatrators, we penetrate our targets with paintballs.
It is not a joke clan. We are a part of the match scene just like any other clan and we deserve to be respected.
You should worry about the horrible,disgusting clans that were once a part of this game.
Kiss my Butt >KmB<
BustYourNutInMyBuTT [JiZZmonkey]
VVhorez of dp -STD-
Kick Your A** .YkA.
A** Kickerz .assk|
"Virginia"Hunters [vH]