pgpkid did u lyk completely miss my post?
?? why the fck is real fckn paintball in yer mutharuckin post nigguh? lyk sheet.
OTHER games have worse attitudes than DP2!!! Most games are fckin worse by a lot. DP2 has a lot of 'rage' between established players, or people like Gamabunta ragin at newbies in pubs, but otherwise it's pretty civil to new players. It's more young players we dislike. Nobody likes those annoying 12 year olds who can't type proprley u kno? sht. Go play muthafkin URT or CS:S or GTA or COD etc.etc.etc. so much rage! Dp isn't bad at all, the community is only rude to established players - or complete idiots (Narga/NJIN/SnooD etc..).
Like, there's only 1 NA team that can be considered a "good" team right now, and they probably are one of the most helpful to noobs. I mean, they let Senix, who can't speak english, into their clan for a while. And that kid has downsyndrome. They also run servers, run streams of their games. Sure, they may have specific players who rage or ban people, but it's only really against suspected cheaters or their competition - which right now is no1. The only other good NA players not in that team is shk, and dat kid is a MMA supastar, so u best be scured of him. but all dem new kids on his jockstrap.
Soooo who are these mean people? Euros? Cause, when I clanned with euros, they never talked poopoo at all. Or the noobs who think they are good but are really bad even though they've played like 3+ years? Doubt they can even plow pubs yet, so can't be that bad.
Basically, that useless amount of writing above that could've been summed up supafast is saying our community isn't the problem. It's one of the better gaming communities. It's really the game is outdated and something needs to be done to fix that, if we're truly getting 500-1000 DL's a day, (I don't believe that), than something is making them leave. So, it's either: Lag / Game looks like trash / Didn't understand how people were flying / didn't like the game
Well, 3 of those 4 are fixable. 1- Improve FPS etc.. (Quick partial solution: make fps-improving cmd's more accessible, searching forums is annoying with the lack of moderation this forum gets). 2- NICE Hr4 ON DOWNLOAD! - Pretty simple, there's enough "okay" packs right now (OTB's etc..) that could be put up till a better one is made, anything is better than default. 3- Tutorials - Chem was trying to make youtube ones, that with the help of others could've been really good. To bad nazi flip banned him from forums. Posting basic youtube tutorials on the website main page would go a long way - infact just a non-horrible main page on the website would be a nice upgrade, but that's little tweaks.