What version(build) digital paint are you running? You may need to update digital paint: go to Dplogin.com->downloads->update to the newest bulid which should be the first file link.
One more question what is the name of your ISP, because there could have been a change in "routing". "routing" means how the information is traveled to a different server, so in your case it could be that the ISP changed the "routing" and now it takes longer for the information to be sent/received (which is what pings are) to a particular area, server, company, and or IP. The change in routing is usually done to decrease "pings" in a particular area, server, company, and or IP, but done at a cost to other places, which then those places have an increase in "pings". An example of this was done by Telus, an ISP, and people who had Telus had crazy pings, like yours.
There might have been something else that may had happened, the "new modem" maybe is not as powerfull as the "old modem" and therefore less distribution of speed that is provided by the ISP. Or there maybe an update(s) you need to install on your computer. Or you may need to check if some one is using that "Internet speed" (which is the speed provided by the ISP), parents/sibillings that maybe downloading files,etc... Or the ISP is not providing you with the "internet speed" that you ordered for, if you know your "internet speed" then go to
www.speedtest.com, this will tell you what speed you are getting. If you dont know your "internet speed" then call your ISP. And if things don't match then tell them that you are not receiving the "Internet speed" that you had signed up for, and therefore your ISP might be breaking the contract. If all else fails, then tell whoever that changed your modem/router to bring back the same router that you had or a new one, and try dpb2