I think its a matter of preferences. Players are used to call places with old locs.
Something that would lead people wrong on your locs for exemple would be the :
- wet_sideways that you are calling backdoors. (because of the old locs appellations)
- dry bridges that you are calling base bridges. (because of the existing base-bridges in bases)
Other than that, i think its okay and people would understand.
Something that i noticed on your locs is that you are adding way too much locs everywhere. Editing it would require to spend way more time that you normally should because of it.
Not sure if you know how locs works but it works that way: You add a loc on A and a loc B.
A | B
The center is the junction so basically everything on the left of the | center would be called A, and everything on the right B.
For exemple compare the number of locs there is on my locs with yours.
ps: not sure if we are on the right section here you might want to take a look here: