Author Topic: Ideas that will make Digital Paint rock!!!  (Read 2708 times)


  • PGP
  • Posts: 7
Ideas that will make Digital Paint rock!!!
« on: March 10, 2004, 12:34:01 AM »
:)Good evening everybody, as you will see it is now 7:04 PM. I was wondering if there any other great ideas out there. I know, I'm still a newb, but really don't care, I care about having fun. There is always room for ideas and everyone elses too. My first one is music, some hard core music, music that paces with the quick action in this game. Another idea is newer weapons. I thought maybe we could use a rifle in this game...ok, I know what some are you thinking ;D, a sniper rifle. Some of you may think :o"But wait, there will be alot of camping in the game."Uhhh, Duh! most guys I played with for a couple of days tried camping and never succeded because the game is way to fast pace, besides, there is always room for surprises and I was thinking about a sniper rifle, but due to how fast the game can accually go, I re-think that idea and rather just make it a rifle. We can make it semi-automatic, automatic, or bolt action that can go farther than any of the other originals in the game. Now, wear did I cook up and idea like that ???, I remember seeing people playing paintball with guns that look like the real one, but they are accually paintball guns. I can think of one any minute, but I figured I shouldn't put them in here because I don't want to bore you guys out or something. Trying not to be difficult, but anyways, everybody should post their best ideas here to make the game more intresting. I gave 2 so far, keep it up, pass it on ;D


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 4595
Re: Ideas that will make Digital Paint rock!!!
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2004, 04:43:20 AM »
to do music, you just have to put in a cd, and type "cd on".


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 103
Re: Ideas that will make Digital Paint rock!!!
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2004, 03:35:34 PM »
theres a feature requests thread ;]