Author Topic: Alpha 7 test report part 1  (Read 2516 times)


  • Developer
  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 260
Alpha 7 test report part 1
« on: January 19, 2004, 08:50:16 AM »
Bug report: Paintball2 alpha 7 patch, initial release

Hardware: P3 733, 256 mb ram, 40gb WD HD, GeForce 2 64 mb
OS: Windows 98 SE


started paintball2 (not online at this point)
loaded pbcup

entered console
typed in some normal commands and had no problem

however an unknown word (gammy, spoog both typed) caused an immediate crash and once this crash happens any attempt to change video modes in windows causes rundll32 to die and leave my video corrupted and mouse frozen. However I can still type :). This error also occurred with the "say" command.

rebooted and reloaded, map pbcup

entered video options
all widgets ok

entered gamma menu (hardware gamma is enabled to start with)
all widgets check out ok

entered audio menu
volume control ok
cant tell if other widgets are doing anything, does it need an apply button?

entered layout menu
all widgets ok

entered multiplayer setup
all widgets work, cant test download options at this point

entered control setup
all good there

misc error 1: in windowed mode, if I alt tab with the console off the mouse is limited to the  paintball2 window space even in other applications. It works normal if I have the console showing.

menu clicks need sound
sliders should read out values nearby
the scaled crosshair now centers properly ty :)
next report will cover multiplayer stuff


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Re: Alpha 7 test report part 1
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2004, 12:44:17 PM »
I spent hours typing random things into the console trying to get it to crash.  The only time I succeded was with tab completion (type part of a word and hit tab), and that happens very rarely.  I think I fixed what was causing it, though.  Were you using tab completion by chance?

Hmm, if you're typing unknown words into the console, they automaticalyl get transferred over to the say command.  You say it crashed with that, also.  You used the say command while not connected to a server?


  • Developer
  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 260
Re: Alpha 7 test report part 1
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2004, 01:11:41 PM »