That's right, for those of you who were around for the previous Paintball Cup Tournaments, I'm happy to announce a 2vs2 Double Elimination Tournament coming in September. For those new to the community, we have held three tournaments under the name to date: a 64 Player 1vs1 Tournament, as well as 2vs2 and 3vs3 tournaments in years past.
This coming month I will be hosting the fourth installment with servers provided from the admins. at GRaFFiTi Paint. As in previous Paintball Cup Tournaments, there is a high level of organization prior to the event, which in turn has helped to fuel high expectation. The relatively small team size selected (2vs2) has been picked not to perpetuate a new-school clan-less attitude, but rather to increase the field of competition, making a more immersive and fulfilling tournament experience.
Signups have now been opened on For more information please visit the website, and/or stop by #pbcup on