Author Topic: Words on DPCON2  (Read 1648 times)


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Words on DPCON2
« on: August 23, 2004, 06:17:21 AM »
Here's my account of DPCON2 for those interested...

Woke up at 8am Sat. and headed north from Atlanta. On the north side of Atl. I stopped and picked up my nephew, DaPainta. From there we made the 4.5 hour journey.

Arriving in NC around 12:30 in the after noon I got our hotel key and headed off to @LANtis Gaming Center. AGC sat in a relatively rundown five store strip mall. The other stores in the mall were a Radio Shack, a pawn shop, a sub shop, and a place to buy framed paintings. My first impressions of AGC were, "darn this is gonna suck." But, believe me, upon entering AGC these thoughts were quicly disolved. This place ROCKS. A line of big-screen TVs first catches your attention. In front of those TVs are BIG cushy leather chairs. Under the TVs are you standard issue Playstation, XBox (with live capability I might add), and probably a few other console games. Just past the big TVs is the LAN area. Numerous glowing PCs sporting some of the latest and greatest hardware available, as well as nearly every current game under the sun. The inside was dark with rope lights run across the ceiling and your expected variety of gaming and PC posters & stickers strewn about.

A section was cleared for us to setup our computers at. I was a little worried cause my PC case was virtually identicle to the AGC cases, but my internal case lighting was a different color so it was cool. At around 2:30pm NAthan (Jitspoe) arrived while Dapainta and I were sitting on the curb out front. When he got out of his car. He looked at us, then focussed on my nephew and said "DaPaint?". I thought it was funny, and appropriate, cause it would be alot better to ask if someone was "DaPAinta" and be wrong then to ask if someone was "SATAN". LOL! "Hi are you SATAN?"

Nathan's buddy, Steven, showed up shortly after and we began laoding in and setting up our stuff.

So by now you probably guessed it...Jitspoe, S8NSSON, and DaPAinta were the only people from the DP2 community to show.

Let me just say that this LAN fest could have gotten pretty borong pretty fast if it weren't for the AGC regulars AND OWNER that were willing to give DP2 a try and loved it so much they wound up going at it with us the entire night. They all picked up the game very quickly and were contenders in all games. PROPS to the AGC gamers!!! Hope to see you guys joining some internet games in the future. Well I guess "I" would have to join some internet game too, huh? hehe.

(i'll let Jitspoe tellya's about any specifics here)

Well right off the bat a few of the AGC regulars wanted in on some DP action. After a few games of them working out the specifics of the game they were right in the heat of battle making kills, grabs, and caps with the rest of us. I actually connected to an interenet server right off the bat to get a little practice before we began the LAN play.

Nathan revealed the new game type at DPCON2 (i think). KING OF THE HILL !!! AND a new, INSANE, map to go along with it. King of the hill goes like this: There is a center flag. As long as someone on your team is touching the center flag you clock up points. Sounds easy enough? Well it's not. This new game type absolutely kicks ass. It is fun and left us, often times, rolling on the ground laughing. The new map is crazy crazy. A mother ship (with the flag on it) is speeding along the ground accompanied by nine smaller ships in a "V" pattern in front of it. Your team spawns on one of the smaller ships (one team on one side of the "V", one team on the other). Then you jump across the ships trying to make it to the mother ship. When you fall off any ship you hit the ground and die, and the armada of ships speeds away at mach5. When you are on the ships and you see someone fall off you see them as if you were speeding away from thier dead corpse. (very very nice affect). Nathan actually modified this map on the spot for center flag CTF which was crazy fun aswell. KOTH should prove to be alot of fun and I hope to see it hosted on an online server soon!

Well we played DP2 from 3pm to 3am, and even then the AGC guys didn't want to stop. We played a bunch of tournaments (of which DaPainta won many).

All in all I consider DPCON2 to be a great success. If i do the math it comes out, 10 hours of driving for 12 hours of LAN. So considering an average speed of 80mph, I had to drive around 96 miles for every hour of LAN I enjoyed. Would I do it again? In a minute. I had a blast, I met some great people, and played some great games!!!

Right now I would usually read through this post and check if for errors, but i'm at work and its too long.

L8r peeps...wish ya could have been there!



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Re: Words on DPCON2
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2004, 08:41:48 PM »
Well S8nsson,

When I starting reading your post I got a little worried, but then I realized where you were going with that. And thanks for the many great words.

Ok now to the good part.

Jitspoe thanks for using our center for DPCON2. I had a great time and would love to seem more tourneys held for this in the area, or here ever. I have to admit that I'm not the best player in the world or even at the gaming center, but I did have a blast and have since DPCON2 actually played DP during most of my gaming time in the center.

As for LAN party I wish more had been able to show, I know it would have only been better. I can't wait till a few more people here in the center start playing DP so that I can have a larger game locally on the LAN, you got to love those low ping times.

Well I need to get out of here. Thanks to all those that did make the DPCON2 and hope to see more at the next one.



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« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2004, 06:28:49 AM »
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« Last Edit: July 25, 2010, 10:04:12 PM by IronFist »


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« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2004, 07:30:25 AM »
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« Last Edit: July 26, 2010, 01:21:35 AM by Dirty_Taco »


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« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2004, 12:35:09 PM »
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« Last Edit: July 25, 2010, 10:04:06 PM by IronFist »


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Re: Words on DPCON2
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2004, 01:50:09 PM »
define..."touch"...  ::)


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« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2004, 08:02:02 PM »
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« Last Edit: July 26, 2010, 01:21:33 AM by Dirty_Taco »


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Re: Words on DPCON2
« Reply #7 on: August 24, 2004, 08:25:44 PM »
that's what i was afraid of.