Ok, how does this work? I went to check my current bandwidth usage on EV1/dplogin.com to make sure I wasn't at risk of exceeding the 750GB/mo limit on the new server that's getting set up, and I noticed a rather peculiar thing. In the past couple of months the incoming traffic was higher than the outgoing traffic. Take a look:
Mar: 38.56 GB/24.53 GB
Feb: 49.17 GB/29.49 GB
Jan: 42.61 GB/59.81 GB
Dec: 47.56 GB/80.47 GB
Nov: 74.90 GB/122.47 GB
It used to have more outgoing bandwidth than in, but it seems after I've added the forums, it has more in bandwidth than out, which really doesn't make sense. What could possibly be uploaded to the server to exceed the data being downloaded?