Are there certain rules what a clanwar should look like? Because I just have a problem with what some clans do...
In my opinion a Clanwar should look like this:
- Both teams have the same amount of players
- The maps are played to 50 points or until the time is up
- Each team can choose 1 map, so there is a total of 2 maps to be played. If both teams win a map (tie score), then there should be a tie-map, that all parties have to agree on
My problem is the following: several clans (TU, CBK) finished their map (of course they won them, wouldnt be "their" map if they didnt...) and then left. That stinks, doesnt it? Now they can brag about beating us, tho they are idiots who could only win on their map....
The better way is what cZ did: after we couldnt finish the clanwar on that 1 day, we replayed all maps the next day. Thats a fair way to keep a fair score, dont u think? What is pissing me off is that they (TU and CBK) put the win in their Win-Loss scrores, although its not earned properly.
Please tell me if u agree with me (and tell stuff i forgot in the list above).