Sorry for the triple post, but I wanted to bump the thread so people would notice the 0.8 release.
The major feature in this build is the integration of the german language. Thanks to Zorchenhimer's helpful ideas and suggestions, now one batch file contains both the English and German versions of DPGet, fixing many potential update problems. Thanks to Pureblood for the translation once again, Zorch for his integration idea, and the whole community for your feedback and help. If you haven't downloaded DPGet yet, you might as well wait a month or two for the final release (I'm pretty busy right now). However, if you already have DPGet, please update to this latest version as i have probably intercoursed up the german code while integrating it. Once again, feedback would be helpful, although if it is a request, put it in the feature vote thread.
Attached for new users and Zorchenhimer alike.