Author Topic: My impressions...  (Read 1164 times)


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 103
My impressions...
« on: January 18, 2003, 02:47:12 PM »
Well I played for about 3 hours today after a year or more of being away..  I like the new client scince I dont have quake2 anymore. Its nice to see better maps in rotation and people not complaining to much about them.. I think people are getting more sophisticated in thier map choices =]  Dont think I played a single map ive alredy played a million times other then midnight today. The wood and barrel textures seemed alot smoother to ? The water on some maps looks better then I remeber. Am I still bound to a 256 color pallet ? And sounds.. what frequency do they need to be in ? I was thinking of optimizing them a bit better for my 5.1 .  The guns seemd better balanced.. Maybe im just l33t with a carbine and SE after a year though =] Anyways good work cant wait to see whats next.


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Re: My impressions...
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2003, 08:53:38 PM »
You are no longer bound to 256 colors.  You can use jpg's or tga's for textures and whatnot.  I redid all the textures from scratch (most of them anyway), so they should look better. ;)