Author Topic: A diffrent way to vote....?  (Read 1557 times)


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 103
A diffrent way to vote....?
« on: January 29, 2003, 07:00:50 PM »
Well im sure some of you remeber at the end of the map you would have to press the proper button that corresponded to the map you wanted... anyways a good way of doing it.

But I was thinking of another way.. within the DP menu you could select 3 maps first map would be the map you most wanted to play.. 2nd and 3rd would be the next two maps you wanted to play. (maybe as many as 10 maps??)

YOUR map choices would be limited to the maps within your map folder...(and you could only select the same map once)  ultimatley the server map selection would be your limit though of course...

I havent worked out everything im not the brightest guy in the world so =p Ill try to explain in further detail how this would work. Lets say your on a server of 12 people , 3 people have crates chosen , 3 people have brainstorm , 3 people have pforest and the last 3 have sandtrap.. So now ive come up with two choices the server could use to determine the next map.

1. The server goes to the second selections.. and 3rd.. 4th.. so on (highly unlikley everyone would have the same selections..)

2. The server looks at all 4 maps.. finds which one was played the longest ago and loads it.


Ok so what if brainstorm is normaly everyones favorite map ?? Wouldent it get the most play time ? Well.. if this happens and one map is particularly popular.. the server would look to see when it was last played.. if it had played.. say within the last 12 hours the server would default to either

1. The second most popular first choice map...

2. The most popular second choice map...

Ok thats about it right now.. i may add more if I think this is inadequate... but you get the basic idea of it anyways.. Can anyone tell me why this idea is bad ?? I get the feeling somehow this could be easily exploited in some way. And we would end up with 24/7 crates =]

Well I let rust see it they hated it so whatever =p "Theyd pick crates all day" Reading isnt one of thier strong points im afriad =]
« Last Edit: January 29, 2003, 07:11:32 PM by Anrkist »


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Re: A diffrent way to vote....?
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2003, 10:39:38 PM »
I'm planning on implementing something kinda like that (don't remember which posts I explained it in).  Basically you get to vote once every time a map is played, and tho votes carry over -- the map with the most votes gets played and has its vote count set to 0.... now I've just gotta get around to coding it.


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 103
Re: A diffrent way to vote....?
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2003, 11:40:18 PM »
sounds like a good idea =]


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Re: A diffrent way to vote....?
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2003, 01:53:50 PM »
Argh, so many things I want to do.  If x is all the things I complete, then x^2 is all the things I want to add/fix.

... and this schoolwork getting in the way doesn't help.