The forums community is what sucks. IRC filters out most of the idiots, and !kb gets the rest.
[01:13:37] <Y2J|ThankGodsk89qIsGone> (9:30:44 PM) sk89q: I have lost my
[01:13:37] <Y2J|ThankGodsk89qIsGone> (9:30:48 PM) sk89q: interest in DP
[01:13:40] <Y2J|ThankGodsk89qIsGone> music to my ears.
[01:13:42] <DirtyTaco> lol
[01:13:50] <DirtyTaco> after putting 18 years into his dpresource site
[01:13:52] <wafflez205|thedestoryerofworld> omfg dirty taco ur banned to?
[01:13:54] <Y2J|ThankGodsk89qIsGone> 9:31:10 PM) Me: Buuuuut why? Grin
[01:13:55] <Y2J|ThankGodsk89qIsGone> (9:31:17 PM) sk89q: eh
[01:13:55] <Y2J|ThankGodsk89qIsGone> (9:31:19 PM) sk89q: the communiotyt sucks
[01:13:55] <Y2J|ThankGodsk89qIsGone> (9:31:24 PM) Me: Saw that coming.
[01:13:56] <Y2J|ThankGodsk89qIsGone> lmfao
[01:14:06] <wafflez205|thedestoryerofworld> lol
[01:14:07] <Y2J|ThankGodsk89qIsGone> THE COMMUNIOTYT SUCKS
[01:14:16] <DirtyTaco> intercourse TEH COMMUNIOTYT
[01:14:20] <wafflez205|thedestoryerofworld> what a moron
[01:14:22] <wafflez205|thedestoryerofworld> LOL
[01:14:38] <wafflez205|thedestoryerofworld> i think he was trying to say cummunist
[01:14:45] <Cr33psh0w> wiow 18 yrs and that site still aitn done =X
[01:14:45] <wafflez205|thedestoryerofworld> communist
[01:15:01] <wafflez205|thedestoryerofworld> which site
[01:15:22] <Cr33psh0w> (+DirtyTaco) after putting 18 years into his dpresource site
[01:15:25] <Cr33psh0w> .........
[01:15:32] <wafflez205|thedestoryerofworld> oh
[01:15:36] <DirtyTaco> ...............
[01:15:37] <wafflez205|thedestoryerofworld> lol
[01:15:42] <wafflez205|thedestoryerofworld> 18 years wow
[01:15:53] <wafflez205|thedestoryerofworld> i guess he has no life
[01:15:53] <Cr33psh0w> and its still not done
[01:15:57] <wafflez205|thedestoryerofworld> wow
[01:16:07] <Cr33psh0w> thats wat i said
[01:16:13] <DirtyTaco> this game needs to die
Yeah... the IRC community is so much better...