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  • Autococker
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Re: A petition to end impact grenades.
« Reply #40 on: October 22, 2005, 05:17:38 PM »
Hey! I've only been around for two years, and I dislike almost all small maps!


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 343
Re: A petition to end impact grenades.
« Reply #41 on: October 22, 2005, 05:28:30 PM »
Hey! I've only been around for two years, and I dislike almost all small maps!

well, I tip my hat to you then good sir. lol .. =)
but what I shoulda said was in matches.. clans may like bigger maps, but they'll choose a small map for a 'guaranteed' win I gues you could say.. because so much could happen in a big map. it could turn around at any point. where as in a small map its basically just kills, with minimal flag grabs.. teams go up by 1 pt almost every round, so its not really hard to hold your lead if you're up -- (less skill required, obviously)


  • 68 Carbine
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  • Autococker
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Re: A petition to end impact grenades.
« Reply #43 on: October 23, 2005, 11:18:34 PM »
....Begins, then the flamefest. LOL.

Dont blame the weapons, adpat.

Anything else is " OMG I CANT OWN NOW bahahaa!!

I was told to be quiet about cheating unless i could prove it. :(

I speak for alot of newbs as taco will testify to.


  • Map Committee
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« Reply #44 on: October 24, 2005, 01:25:03 PM »
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« Last Edit: July 26, 2010, 01:10:23 AM by Dirty_Taco »


  • Autococker
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Re: A petition to end impact grenades.
« Reply #45 on: October 24, 2005, 05:40:15 PM »
Ahhh so you can cheat on alpha, harder yes but possible. :( sad . So i guess the correct thing to do would be ban clans that have players that know how to cheat. :) jk Then go after those who share cheats. The only people responsible for cheating, are those those that know how.


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« Reply #46 on: October 24, 2005, 05:51:30 PM »
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« Last Edit: July 25, 2010, 11:07:45 PM by IronFist »


  • Autococker
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Re: A petition to end impact grenades.
« Reply #47 on: October 24, 2005, 06:14:15 PM »
Then name them and we shall shun. 

1. ironfist. leet geeks guide to game hacks.

Good post Iron now rat those bastards out.


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 129
Re: A petition to end impact grenades.
« Reply #48 on: October 24, 2005, 09:28:16 PM »
Alright well i read through the first two pages of posts and got tired of hearing the same thing over but what I did see and personally 100% agree with is a post by S8N. in which he suggests that perhaps a small bounce of the grenade would offer a better chance for reaction and perhaps a better strategy required.
I actually like both versions of the grenades when used wisely. On a map such as midnight, i like to be able to bounce my grenades (when attacking enemy base from the bridge area) but on other maps i like to have them impact instantly. Thus why i have both bound to different keys.
But I like the idea that S8N provided and I would like to see something like that implemented.
Just for the record Jit, you didn't ruin this game, if anything you've made it a heck of a lot better. Some people simply don't know how to be thankful to be able to enjoy a ****FREE**** online game. I'm certain that 99.9% of the community will agree with me on that
- MeRL


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« Reply #49 on: October 24, 2005, 10:34:50 PM »
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« Last Edit: July 26, 2010, 01:10:17 AM by Dirty_Taco »


  • Autococker
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Re: A petition to end impact grenades.
« Reply #50 on: October 25, 2005, 12:19:47 AM »
"The only people responsible for cheating, are those those that know how."


No, actually anyone with half a brain can type one word into google and get a perfectly good working wallhack with the alpha builds. The wallhack explains how to use it as well. Knowing how doesn't make you morally responsible in any respect, commiting the act does.

I understant you point, but my was ignored ,ty. Knowing how makes you part guiltly.


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Re: A petition to end impact grenades.
« Reply #51 on: October 28, 2005, 06:13:03 PM »
Lmao, from reading this thread when it was just 3 posts and to now is funny.

Several good points have been made. In all honesty I believe impact grenades require no skill at all. Yes, I use them time to time when I play because it's a good way to get kills. What's sad is that when you play now, the first reaction to someone when they spawn is running right for the grenades instead of the guns. What else is sad is when you're in play the first reflex of the newbies now is to throw a grenades then evade.

Enforcing some type of matching maps would do the community good, but that won't change the fact that impact grenades require no skill.

Now as for eR33t crying cause we lost a few matches... Lets just say this, those were the first two losses we've had in 2 years straight. Woopdy do. We matched one we lost to and decimated them the next day. The fact that you think you can hang in anyway is laughable.


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 335
Re: A petition to end impact grenades.
« Reply #52 on: October 30, 2005, 03:35:16 PM »
I wanna own some people up in the pubs, how do i make my grens impact?


  • Stingray
  • Posts: 91
Re: A petition to end impact grenades.
« Reply #53 on: October 30, 2005, 08:37:44 PM »
Bind (key) "tossgren impact"


  • Autococker
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Re: A petition to end impact grenades.
« Reply #54 on: October 31, 2005, 12:54:58 AM »
Lmao, from reading this thread when it was just 3 posts and to now is funny.

Several good points have been made. In all honesty I believe impact grenades require no skill at all. Yes, I use them time to time when I play because it's a good way to get kills. What's sad is that when you play now, the first reaction to someone when they spawn is running right for the grenades instead of the guns. What else is sad is when you're in play the first reflex of the newbies now is to throw a grenades then evade.

Enforcing some type of matching maps would do the community good, but that won't change the fact that impact grenades require no skill.

Now as for eR33t crying cause we lost a few matches... Lets just say this, those were the first two losses we've had in 2 years straight. Woopdy do. We matched one we lost to and decimated them the next day. The fact that you think you can hang in anyway is laughable.
adapt and overcome is all i expect from the leet jumping geeks. gg tonight bOOb you even said ns to someone, you have come along ways vice=president

Impact grens have slowed down the every rushing sometime camping winners of DP. :)

Loial/Bob '08


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Re: A petition to end impact grenades.
« Reply #55 on: October 31, 2005, 08:25:12 PM »
I've been given a hard time about the way client side impact/timed grens came about.  If it isn't obvious, this was not the way I intended it.  I implemented the client-selectable grenade option sometime after various discussions from which I gathered that giving the player the choice of what grenade to use was the most favorable way to go.  I was planning to have the options in the next major release.  In fact, it's already in the menu for build 16.  Unfortunately, some people figured out the command before it could be released properly.

Anyway, I guess we may have to agree to disagree here.  I've started a thread about primed grenades, which I think would be a good compromise.  If you don't think so, please give your reasoning in that thread.

I personally think the reasons for disliking impact grenades are severely exaggerated.  I watched the demo bain posted and even played that very clan on that very map.  I saw nothing to the degree of spamming 3 grenades at a time.  In fact, I would go so far as to say I did not see grenades thrown any more than with the old timed grenade system.  I felt the grenades actually offered a refreshing change to the perpetual lines of paint in that cramped map.  They're effective for offense, too.  In the demo, there were more offensive kills than defensive.  Also, it wasn't like the only kills people were got were from grenades.  Grenade kills were by far in the minority.

I'm also curious what constitutes a newbie.  ER33t seems to think anybody who has been playing for less than 6 years is a "n00b" (or some other variation of the word), and should any such n00b defeat them, it's obviously a flaw in the game.  Bob needs a newbie to teach him how to throw grenades, 'cuz it looked like he had too much skill to be able to hit people effectively, lol. :) (sorry, but that was just funny).

Anyway, as Hobo pointed out, the impact grenades can act as an equalizer.  So new players can get kills with them.  Is that such a bad thing?  Personally, I think the game should be geared more toward teamwork than raw skill, but maybe that's not what the community wants (I set up a poll here so you can express your opinion on the matter).  That's not to say I want to completely remove any skill involved in the game, but things may shift around a bit as we try to find a good balance.  Like I pointed out in Blitz's thread, the game is still in development.

Lastly, I doubt the grenades had any effect on the map choice.  People have been matching on cramped 1-path maps for years.  It's nothing new, though it would be nice if it changed... And for the record, the wall-spraying strategy has been there since the QWPB days.  I don't see how the new ball flight changed that.  I used to be a wall sprayer myself, because it was too hard to actually hit moving targets with my ping.

Anyway, I'm not sure where I'm headed with this.  Basically I agree to disagree and want to hear your feedback on the offered compromise.


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 784
Re: A petition to end impact grenades.
« Reply #56 on: November 01, 2005, 06:33:57 AM »
actually, impact grenades will have a huge impact on map choice.  if you face a team which is doing really well with them, you will NOT choose to play the small 1-way map against them, but rather pick a map with several ways, few to none chokes and an easily accessible flag.

*points towards TnL

The problem really is the defensive power of the impact grenades when playing a map with a small entrance to the base, as you will find in many popular maps, so maybe those grenades will even do something good:  force people to train different maps

*points to eR33t

Barely a use of impact grenades on castle1, as you will focus on grabs and shots rather than camping a narrow way to prevent the enemy team from grabbing.

I guess we will now have to live with the impacts anyways, so who knows what good they will eventually do, and: cmon eR33t, you can still own clans on their map even if they use impacts and use 1way maps ;)


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 336
Re: A petition to end impact grenades.
« Reply #57 on: November 01, 2005, 02:43:21 PM »
Lol, yeah I'm not use to throwing impact grens, so I just stick with the normal ones.

Now this is what I think. I think they were put in this game to make it easier for newbies to kill. Not the newbies who play in pub and that are in a clan and think they're good, but the ones who don't have 'always run' on and don't realize when they're trying to say something to the other team they're talking in messagemode2. I can understand that, but when it comes to a point when that's all a team can rely because that's how their gameplay evolved, something needs to be done.

No to what b00nlander just said, eR33t didn't always choose Castle1. For the longest time was had chosen pbcup as our standard 3vs3. Yes, we can still own them, wait, we do.