I'm making a map with a couple of trees (md2 models imported with FUNC_MODEL). Now offcourse these trees need to be clipped so you can't walk through them.
At first I thought of using regular clip brushes (which for some reason don't work for me in GTKRadiant, the brushes show up ingame with the cliptexture saying 'clip' all over it, instead of making them invisible,- yes all faces were textured with the clip texture.)
but you can shoot through clip brushes.
You can't shoot through trees (or any other solid object for that matter). Is there any sort of flag i can set to the brushes for this? (I'd rather still use the clippingbrush method rather than setting somekind of magical make_the_darn_model_solid flag because i can imagine it would lower the fps because of more complex collision checking.)
I DID search the forum (and google) before I posted this, if this was asked before, my apologies, I must have overlooked it, but before flaming me please provide the url to the correct post.