DPLogin Account Creation rules state:
We realize there are lots of commonly used names, but older, established members of the community take precedence. In other words, if you've just recently started playing the game and register a name that another player who has been around for 5 years is known by, the name will probably be removed from your account. If it looks to be intentional name theft, further action may be taken, such as account suspension or banishment. If you're having trouble coming up with a unique name that doesn't conflict with existing players, you might want to check out GameSpy's Naminator.
That being said, Reaver has taken it upon himself to register these names, and impersonate these players in-game:
|| Profile for d1rtytaco ||
Player ID: 5117
Names registered: pancak3s, brigad3, 0lbaid, dystr0, j1gsaw, d1g1, bl1tz, d1rtytaco, tomvendett4, reaver
Former Clans: 8th Wonder, exiled, reneGade, Brutality Gaming, Apoboc Trainees, Apoboc, Insane Junction Training, [Vi]ZioN, Jerks, Speed DemonZ, drifters, NiGHTMaRe, coldFusion, FarmStarz, Eternal Rage, InFamous, UrBaN EmPiRE, StRaTeGiK InSoMnIaKs, Team Redemption
Apologies to Reaver, I actually think it's HellHound creating these accounts.