Author Topic: MAIN Tutorial made by [SuFFeR]Tornado  (Read 1338 times)


  • PGP
  • Posts: 2
MAIN Tutorial made by [SuFFeR]Tornado
« on: July 13, 2008, 04:52:18 PM »
i was bored and ppl started asking how i make maps that fast:
i made these in only 2 days :P ;D :P:


to start with you need the textures of pball:
startup bsp.exe and press L if im correct pball must stand in that box that pops up. then click ok.
now the textures will load:
sellect your ground texture and then make a box in the top view.
adjust it to your needs. then sellect your wall texture and make the wall go into the sides of the ground box.
when making another wall do the same with that wall box and make it cross the other wall to:
now make 4 walls.

when done press esc and shiftclick the ground texture X (its in the middle of the box) and press space (this will copy the box and make a new one. now drag this one to the top off your walls and make it cross eachother so there wont be any gaps.

this is how it should look like now:

now its time to make a spawnpoint: if you know this skip this part.

make a box and drag it to place now press the E key. now select in the options for info_players_start and click create entitie( or some like that).
now drag it into place so its perfect.

ICE tutorial:

to make ice you need to sellect the SWITZSNOWFULL texture and press S. youll get a new screen with alot of options. Sellect "slick". now make your box that you want to be ice. when you done with ice make sure you deselect slick.

WATER tutorial:

choose your water texture and then make box. done xD

PAINT tutorial:

choose your water texture go to the surfaces menu (press S) and sellect slime. Draw. and done xD

HILL tutorial:

to make hills you draw a box in your room and then click on the corners of the box and drag that point to its place.

TELEPORT tutorial:


to make a teleport create a box, put it into place, go to entity menu (press E) and sellect the misc_teleporter
then click create entity, now drag it to place perfectly. now it becomes important. keep the teleport sellected and click the + in the enity menu.
as key you typ: target      and as value you typ: teleporter1         this becomes your first teleporter.
now go to the place where the teleporter needs to go and create a new box now in the entity menu sellect misc_teleporter_dest and click create entity.
now keep it sellected again and click the little + again now at key you do: targetname      and as value: teleporter1

to make more then 1 you just make new teleporter's and teleporter_dest's and with each pair you just do another value like: teleporter2 or teleporter3

.BSP map file tutorial:

if you know this SKIP.

click on "export" in the maintoolbar and click on qbsp.bat now it asks you to safe the map: click yes.
now just name it
now if you go to bsp/pball2/quake2/pball/mapfiles
you will see your map. but its in .map so we cant use it
now go to "export" again and click qbsp.bat again
now check the mapfiles again and now you see your bsp file.
(dont know this happens in windows i use ubuntu(linux)).

now go test your map and have fun mapping :P cheers tornado.
got more problems just mail me. ( )

ill be gone at the 14th of juli for 2 weeks dont get mad if i dont mail ya

PS: this aint a tutorial from the net. i pissed my mom off by typing this tutorial


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 376
Re: MAIN Tutorial made by [SuFFeR]Tornado
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2008, 05:21:36 PM »
I can see that you're trying to be proactive and helpful with this tutorial, but I find it alarming for a number of reasons and would urge new mappers to avoid some of the advice you've given.

a) making maps quickly is not something to be proud of. At the heart of good map-making is meticulous methodology, and this takes time. The tools we have of making maps aren't designed for casual and careless design, small mistakes can lead to massive problems with the finished article.

The maps you have uploaded; frankly, I'm surprised it took you 2 days to make. It's a random collection of unlit jump maps and pointless things like a completely empty bowl.

b) one of the biggest reasons this guide concerns me is that it seems to wholly encourage people to bang out tons of thoughtless maps with stock DP textures. No-one cares about maps that offer nothing new to either look at or play. Everyone is sick to death of playing constant clones of popular pub maps. If you aren't patient or dedicated enough to carefully plan and think about your map, please just don't bother. It's a waste of everyones time.

c) some of the information you give is very bad practice. For example: 'now drag this one to the top off your walls and make it cross eachother so there wont be any gaps.'. You should NEVER overlap brushes if you can help it. It makes everything harder, it makes your design view much harder to understand, it splits the polygons unnecessarily, it can complicate VIS'ing and lighting, and most of all it's completely unnessesary. (requires login) shows you exactly why it's a bad idea.

d) you mention nothing of VIS'ing and any measures of mitigating the problems most new mappers will come across. Working within the confines of the drawbacks of the engine and mapping format is a key part of being a good mapper. They are why so many ideas are doomed to failure from the start - they are too ambitious for the tools we have.

e) your compiling advice gives no explaination of the process, so new mappers will have no idea how to use these very powerful tools to test, tweak and finally compile their maps.

I know you mean well but seriously, you need much more experience in mapping before you can start writing FAQs about it.

- Dr Rick Dagless M.D


  • PGP
  • Posts: 2
Re: MAIN Tutorial made by [SuFFeR]Tornado
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2008, 05:43:50 PM »
I can see that you're trying to be proactive and helpful with this tutorial, but I find it alarming for a number of reasons and would urge new mappers to avoid some of the advice you've given.

a) making maps quickly is not something to be proud of. At the heart of good map-making is meticulous methodology, and this takes time. The tools we have of making maps aren't designed for casual and careless design, small mistakes can lead to massive problems with the finished article.

b) one of the biggest reasons this guide concerns me is that it seems to wholly encourage people to bang out tons of thoughtless maps with stock DP textures. No-one cares about maps that offer nothing new to either look at or play. Everyone is sick to death of playing constant clones of popular pub maps. If you aren't patient or dedicated enough to carefully plan and think about your map, please just don't bother. It's a waste of everyones time.

c) some of the information you give is very bad practice. For example: 'now drag this one to the top off your walls and make it cross eachother so there wont be any gaps.'. You should NEVER overlap brushes if you can help it. It makes everything harder, it makes your design view much harder to understand, it splits the polygons unnecessarily, it can complicate VIS'ing and lighting, and most of all it's completely unnessesary. (requires login) shows you exactly why it's a bad idea.

d) you mention nothing of VIS'ing and any measures of mitigating the problems most new mappers will come across. Working within the confines of the drawbacks of the engine and mapping format is a key part of being a good mapper. They are why so many ideas are doomed to failure from the start - they are too ambitious for the tools we have.

e) your compiling advice gives no explaination of the process, so new mappers will have no idea how to use these very powerful tools to test, tweak and finally compile their maps.

I know you mean well but seriously, you need much more experience in mapping before you can start writing FAQs about it.

- Dr Rick Dagless M.D

i dont do this all i just made a tutorial for a guy i know and was feeling i needed to share thie knowlage (im bad at english) the fast map making is because i did maps before i aint proud of it. (my ideas go dry) and i make new maps with all of my ideas. i dont wanna start FAQ about all of bsp just the things they dont get about my tutorial. and i dont even know what VIS'ing is. so what is it???

and most of all it was just a quick guide for a jump mapper. i dont make maps for DM or CTF. i do jumps or fun (like sliding) as you can see i placed lines as "if you know this already SKIP IT" so its only ment for the once that know what BSP is used for it aint for new mappers. otherwise it would be "STARTERS Tutorial"
its just 1 of the main things you need to do to make a new map.

and it already 01:43 in holland and i need to go to spain tommorrow xD so ill see you guys in 2 weeks.

Cheers [SuFFeR]Tornado


1 more thing i always let the walls,ground and sealing cross otherwise i somehow get texture errors and when its water it looks bad when its not crossed


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 374
Re: MAIN Tutorial made by [SuFFeR]Tornado
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2008, 06:45:15 PM »
Woot Spain!
I love that country, don't know why..
Oh wait - I live there :D

Not to go offtopic:
Correct me if I'm wrong but Dagless just meant that some new mappers who read this guide might learn to use bsp wrongly. They should read the FAQs more experienced mappers have written.


  • Autococker
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Re: MAIN Tutorial made by [SuFFeR]Tornado
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2008, 07:17:10 PM »
If this tutorial is for jump mappers, it shouldn't be here at all.