This should be fairly simple, so I thought I'd throw it out there in case anybody felt like contributing. I need a basic PHP script to administer and display the global ban list. It needs four parts:
- Some kind of authentication. A simple password box right on the add page would work.
- Entry fields for: Name, IP, Reason, and number of days until the ban expires.
- List with check boxes or something along those lines to allow for manual list removal.
- Also needs authentication, obviously.
Raw list:
- Lists IP's, 1 per line. This is what the servers will download periodically.
Human-readable list / Wall of shame:
- This will be a publically-viewable list of names, IP's, reasons for banning, and time remaining until the ban expires.
It may not be a bad idea to make each part a separate php file in order to simplify the URL's. I wouldn't bother with any database stuff, either. A simple flat file should be sufficient (and likely much faster than database connections). Keep it simple.