Author Topic: White Flag Productions Map Testing Server  (Read 950 times)


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 498
White Flag Productions Map Testing Server
« on: February 01, 2009, 12:10:18 PM »
My buddy (Robbie) and I have decided to form a small mapping team (not an amazing team, mind you) called White Flag Productions. I (being a home server hoster) have also decided to host a server for this purpose. We will be providing players with beta maps from our own production AND newer beta maps posted on these forums. The server (being a home server) will be called White Flag Pro. and will also be "turned on" whenever my computer is on, which is usually always (other than nighttime, my computer has to sleep too). So whenever you have time, feel free to visit the server. Maps are currently being uploaded onto the server, so don't spaz out if you can't fnd one of the maps you want.