Nah you don't get it...when the big gets so big it becomes the small. When I say big, at that reference our universe wouldn't even be visible or measurable. It would be about measuring what contains our universe.
It really is the "under the thumbnail of an alien" theory just taken a little further.
What i'm saying is that inside each of the tiniest of particles is a universe, and we are thus a universe inside the tiniest of particle. So there would be a unification from large to small, and then another one from the small to the large-small.
Furthermore, I think there is a massive time-scale difference between Perception Zones. To a larger zone the existence of our universe is very very short. Likewise, to a smaller zone the existence of our universe is perceptually infinite.
This is all just ponder-theory. There is no more proof of it being fact/fiction than any other theory.
What we do know is that we don't know, and may never know. Any hypothesis today has every bit a chance of being fact than any other. I just don't believe our universe is all there is. Really it wouldn't make sense. If there were a singularity then what existed one meter to the left of it before the big bang? Empty space? A void of nothing? And if the universe is expanding, which we know it is, then what is it expanding into? It has to be expanding into something. Our knowledge says nothing can expand and not take up some other space. And, yes, i'm saying "our knowledge" because it is possible our knowledge is out-shadowed by what is going on at that scale.
I've often wondered where the center of the universe is. Ever wonder that? Google it and you'll get the same lame answer in many different places, "...there is no center, the universe is expanding from everywhere so the center is everywhere." Also, you will read that perceptually every place that you sit in the universe looks like the center (everything is moving away from you no matter where you are). Why can't they just say they don't know? Because that explanation is lame. They'll show some balloon being blown up, as example, stating that the universe is like the surface of the balloon expanding in all directions. Yeah, that works well for the flat surface of the balloon, how about the inner volume?
If everything in our universe currently sits in the same orientation as it did in the singularity, then the singularity was not a singularity because the whole of all matter contained in our universe does not currently sit in the same place. There is not, and therefore had to be then, some distance measurable in the singularity, and therefore there must be a center. There must be a point where everything has expanded from, where the singularity resided in the void before the big bang/crunch/slingshot/[insert theory here].
I makes sense (or doesn't make sense depending on how you look at it) to me.
Why, that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard!
Scale is pretty clearly a big deal, though. I don't think there's large-scale Quantum stuff, but relativity happens everywhere.
EDIT: I mean special relativity.