Author Topic: i need to get better  (Read 2538 times)


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i need to get better
« on: January 14, 2006, 06:04:32 PM »
Alright no flaming please. I really need to get better. Im sick of getting owned every freaking time. I know i know, practice makes perfect, but id like to speed up the process. How did you all get so good. Any tips. thanks.


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: i need to get better
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2006, 06:22:31 PM »
pub 8-10 hrs a day.


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Re: i need to get better
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2006, 06:29:14 PM »
yeah, its all practice, if you end up playing with a small amount of people on pub, maybe they give u some hints if you ask them nice, then again, they'll most likely ignore you if they are like some of the players i know!


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Re: i need to get better
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2006, 06:54:39 PM »
Play tons of games with players that are all better than you.  eR33t has produced many great players just through exposure to skill, BoB and Mentalkid are great examples.  The hard part is being recruited into a clan where you're going to be accepted as the worst player.  Clans rarely agree to bring in any player if they're not already better than half of the existing clan.  This is where marketting yourself comes in key.  I started out as a web designer for a clan and later I became a leader of a couple clans because that was something I was good at.

Maybe participating in a clan isn't your thing.  Maybe you could organize an invitational(make sure you invite better players) 1v1 tourney on Wednesday nights, or maybe just a simple 4v4 pickup and keep track of stats each week.  Any shred of competition is likely to attract some players and the exclusiveness is usually enough to convince others to play.  Hey, just an idea :P

From a technical stand point I'd suggest getting your movement down.  The slower and less maneuverable you are, the easier it is for not so good players to hit you.  Angles, awareness and a true sense of the game only come with experience and the latter two are difficult to work on without being a member of a very solid and stable team.

Most importantly be realistic.  Don't think that after a 4 hours straight of doing jumps back and forth on shazam22 is going to make you suddenly able to compete at the next level.  Skill progression is gradual and determination is the key to success.  The only substantial improvements are going to be the corrections of serious flaws in your game(bad config, bad network settings).

Additionally I will extend an offer to analyze one 20 minute or less demo of yourself in a public server or in a match/scrim to see if there are any technical pointers I can immediately suggest that may lead to some minor improvements.

If you have any more questions post them here and I'll be happy to respond.


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« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2006, 09:55:07 PM »
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« Last Edit: July 25, 2010, 10:56:33 PM by IronFist »


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Re: i need to get better
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2006, 11:01:39 PM »
The only reason I got "decent" is cause I played A LOT in my first couple of months, then I joined eXT(eR33t expansion team) which honestly helped me out a lot cause I got to see what eR33t does in matches and how they play and I think I've picked up a lot of it.  I'm still slow though ;-).  But just practice a lot..there really is no way to get better faster. Other then to maybe watch good players play and check out what they do.


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: i need to get better
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2006, 01:15:49 AM »
Bain hit it on the nose there, play as much as you can with players who are better than you and/or try to get involved in organized games, that is a valuble key to success.


  • VM-68
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Re: i need to get better
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2006, 07:49:39 AM »
Your aiming and stuff u get on public servers
your teamplay, ur "game-intelligence" and that stuff u get in clanwars or clantrainings


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« Reply #8 on: January 16, 2006, 07:04:44 PM »
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« Last Edit: July 26, 2010, 01:00:42 AM by Dirty_Taco »


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Re: i need to get better
« Reply #9 on: January 16, 2006, 07:34:02 PM »
WASD= move
Mouse 1=fire
Mouse 2 or space=jump (its easier for me to jump and shoot at the same time using the space)
Mousewheel down=drop gun
Mousewheel up = reload co2

Is this an ok setup? and what are q2 physics? thanks


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Re: i need to get better
« Reply #10 on: January 17, 2006, 12:57:22 PM »
For movement, there are 3 keys you need to have easy, quick, and comfortable access to -- keys that you can hit in rapid succession for long periods of time without getting cramps in your hand.  Those are the keys for strafe left, strafe right, and jump.  Personally, I find the spacebar too flimsy for that, so I have my own fairly unique configuration:
A = left, S = forward, D = right, F = jump.  That way I have quick access to the most commonly used keys right on the home row, and it won't cramp my hand.  This probably won't work for most people, though.  Just sit down and find keys that are comfortable for you, then start up a map and practice jumping around.

Of course, there's a lot more to the game than your ability to move around, but that certainly helps.  As far as shooting people goes, I think the most typical mistake is to not lead your target enough.  Not only are they moving, but there is a delay between what actually happens and what you see, due to the fact it has to travel across miles of wire to get to you.

As for the physics.  There's a few things to note: While in the air, if you're pushing down a directional key, you continue to accelerate, but on the ground you're locked to a maximum speed.  While in the air and holding down two directional keys (such as forward and strafe right), you accelerate more than with just one.  While in the air holding down two directional keys and turning slightly into the direction you're strafing (ie, forward, strafe right, and turn right slowly), you get even more acceleration.  You just have to figure out how much to turn, and keep jumping so you never really touch the ground.

Also, going up hills and ramps can help speed you up / jump higher, since the physics only take into account your horizontal movement, not vertical, so you can use ramps to launch yourself into the air.  You can also do "double jumps", where you jump onto a box, and while you're still moving upward, jump off the edge of the box, propelling you even further into the air.

There's a lot of things you can do with the quake2 physics.  You just have to practice them.


  • Stingray
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Re: i need to get better
« Reply #11 on: January 20, 2006, 04:57:18 PM »
Don't take J0E's or lekky's advice.  You'll turn into a mushroom and improve at a minimal rate.

Iron's got a great little blurp about headphones.  Haha, yeah, in a sense they are like a wallhack.  Lets just say it's a great advantage.  I always wear headphones while gaming. Always.


Here's the deal with playing to get better; practice.

So far, you've gotten advice to play a ton, and play with players better than you.  That's wonderful.  But, if you don't go into the game with the mental mindset that you're going to litterally practice on a certain aspect of your gameplay, you wont improve as fast as you could.  If you go into a match with eR33t and you just think you're going to play however and get better because they're better, it will take you a longgggg time to get better.  You gotta go into that eR33t match focused and determined to take something out of the match.  Focus on what you want to improve.  It's basically playing with more sense of what you want to work on rather than blindly going out and playing.


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Re: i need to get better
« Reply #12 on: January 20, 2006, 05:32:22 PM »
1. Don't Cheat.

2. There are no shortcuts.

3. Practice does not make perfection. Unless you have proper instructions, you will never get it.  Ask what you are doing wrong in game and as Bain was kind enough to offer his knowledge make a demo and submit it.

4. A good cfg is very important. But more important find one that feels comfortable to you.

5. One of S8N's posts was about being on and off. A Very good analogy to remember Sometimes you are 'on' and you cant be beat, other times you suck. Getting owned happend to us all at some point in this game unless you are Bob. So don't let getting owned ruin your enjoyment of a very fun game. One day you will own us all at some point, well accept for BOB.

6.Dedication to getting better, it takes time.

I hope this helps and if you every see me holler, I have my own server I can lock it and see what you might be doing wrong. If you dont want my instructions, thats ok I am limited compaired to allot of players knowledge in this MOD.  Let me know by PM and I can schedule you some lessons on the server with a teacher of your choice.  This goes for any 'new players'

*was edited due to moronic l8tncy at work
« Last Edit: January 20, 2006, 06:08:10 PM by loial21 »


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: i need to get better
« Reply #13 on: March 06, 2006, 01:42:56 PM »
To chime in a couple months late, knowing maps like the back of your hand is also important.


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Re: i need to get better
« Reply #14 on: March 06, 2006, 01:54:23 PM »
concentrate on a few maps. I played some 1v1 matches against some good players then got tips from them after the match was over, helped me with my expierence.