Author Topic: Forum Temp Bans  (Read 3406 times)


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Forum Temp Bans
« on: April 21, 2006, 11:48:08 AM »
As I mentioned here, I'm going to start issuing temp bans to hopefully cut back on the recent hostility in the forums.  This is a list of posts that have gotten people temp banned.

spook i think you are a queer noob

1.servers with passwords r match servers notpublic newb.
2.don´t spam this forum with every F*** idea which u r thinking about. time do a speel check

Skater has to match on german servers cause hes the stupid donkey who got himself banned from the MOST USED SERVERS IN DP.

Great Job. See what happens when you mess with me and my dad? NEWBIE


You act like I care that Im banned from GT. I really don't. Im banned from ch1ll for 30 days. I think I'll live. OwnNEneDddzzz beTTaR nOOttZz mEsSS wITT sanDdmAan aNnD teRmInaToR

DUde cant U be quiet plz :) and stoping making new topics omfg no one is interessted in ur life ....
shut up loser

Quote from: stephen schultz
you can cram it up ur ass skater

Now before one of you er33t queerbags even starts in with your whole bit about how nobody will match you read the rest of this and think of some sort of witty remark to respons with which only makes you seem like more of an arrogant group of pricks.

Like I said before, I don't match fat people who like to abuse authority..

ey metaler du dummes kind halt die fresse ich hab bei den amys net sooo oft gepostet(nur 2 mal) weil ich net von allen so gehasst werden will wie du also be quiet die deutschen reichen auch!

LMAO, What a surprise, xsv and qoo crying on forums, i wondered how long this would take, qoo is mad cuz i own him (and wuld be glad to prove it any day of the week) and xsv boy is mad cuz he starts stuff and can't end it so go figure he makes a thread just to show off some screen shots because he doesnt wanna make a thread about solely me, boo hoo little 12 year old kid, and then u have the nerve to say that wasted spread all this stuff about me on forums when it was u, thats some immature sh*t, somethin u r quite good at thats why ur in AB-T cuz they don't want ur annoying little as* so they r stalling so gg kids and that ends my forums visit for the day. thank u

30 minutes? That map is tiny you stupid fck. God I hate you now. Takes a max of 2 mins to download. Kill yourself

Lmao bug your an idiot, I hope noone plays on your stupid server.

6 posts? SIX freakin' posts? A double post? You aren't mental, you're retarded. (and a piece of work at that.)

If it were up to me, anybody with negative IQ points such as yourself would have any trace of themselves wiped off the earth. I hope you make a Darwin Award, Vinne.

Again lekky, youve been in the clan scene for what? 2 months. You have no clue. Please, just stop posting.  Im not trying to justify anything, Im explaining. As far as Im concerned, you can go kill yourself.

Dude dont intercourse with crashes map you suck at mapping leave it be let him fix what needs to be fixed you  socksucker

Clipz: Crash sent me the .map to fix it you completely worthless fat walrus.

lmao u guys are so f.u.c.k.e.d up go blow a d.i.c.k. you guys suck....and i dont even know half u people and ur discriminating against me wow..just go noob it up some more

Nah I just dont act nicely to you and Spook, you guys should just go and die.

Teehee, told you I'm unsquishable, your pathetic 11 10 9 8 7 6 year old parlour tricks are no match for my coffee induced ownage! Muahaha!

Vinne, here's some pictures of me owning you
*tubgirl, etc.  Image links removed*

HAND. :)

Three are deadly and one is fine.
Another one is a very special link, which goes to something good...

Loial. Please stop posting and hang yourself.

Thanks man.

To clipz.Im  really sorry to say this and please jitspoe dont ban me again on the forums.Clipz you are a complete prick.You are not the leader of eg.Your a leader of eg but not the leader.I really hate you  and i hope you die and go to hell.

Roual you  bundle of twigs,  kill yourself danny, i cant beleive of all people, you to tell on your clanmate  kitty, it wasnt even warhead, youv been cut from [.eR.] jus so you know  kill your self kthx.

Way to go you  idiot. All the same stupid moron clans getting caught hacking. You kids should  learn that you're going to get caught if you're using a hack that has been caught before. I think you are all complete morons.

Smokey is just mad that his DlCK is to small to pleasure a girl, so he needs to try and shut everyone else down.
Smokey it is okay buddy, you only need 2 inchs at least. im sure if you rub it a little it will stand and become hard, try that. get your mom to give you a little help, or think of your friends moms titties.


That's becuase you're an idiot. Shut up.

yah i may suck at DP but atleast i dont suck D1CK!!!! and why bring up DP i didnt say anything about it.. lewser!

u  retard we added those losses r u retarded weave lost to pa cc-r once and luck and in case u cant count thats 3!!!! u  douche

Hey Smokey wtf are u talking about. Go shove another Twinkie in your mouth.

Go beat your kids ya fat hick.

« Last Edit: February 26, 2007, 12:24:41 PM by jitspoe »