Author Topic: Request: juiicy demo  (Read 7584 times)


  • VM-68
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Re: Request: juiicy demo
« Reply #20 on: October 28, 2010, 07:00:58 PM »
Cola my demo is recorded, but I just don't want to give it up to anybody.


  • Autococker
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Re: Request: juiicy demo
« Reply #21 on: October 28, 2010, 07:03:34 PM »
Wasn't talking about you, conceited. Just a general question.


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Re: Request: juiicy demo
« Reply #22 on: October 28, 2010, 07:34:39 PM »

I looked and hypoc'd, since I do not have a wobluda demo myself, however I'm sure Bleezy or capo would upload theirs for me. I sure hope you can come to a conclusion on the demo requests soon, since it has been a known issue and the committee was supposed to be working on it for a while now:

I also hope you aren't getting over-worked with the work of committee issues, and showing that aggravation to everyone.
20:44  fl1p            • yo
20:44  fl1p            • i want your demo of the match your requesting from juiicy
20:44  fl1p            • post that shyte on the thread
20:44  fl1p            • ty
I don't view it as a kind approach for new information but hostility, and hope you don't become irritated or biased to accuser, accused, and guilty. I don't know if there was a reason however it's not of concern to me.

When I was on committee I tried to prioritize threads and keep the most recent and important ones active and on top, such as distributing, hacking, banned people multi'ing, with common multi's last. Getting recent threads done first and not letting them fade into the pages will help relieve their stress and get rid of 'pain in the neck' problems before they become a pain in the neck. Keep the resolved threads going strong while still prioritizing importance's of the game committee members :)


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Re: Request: juiicy demo
« Reply #23 on: October 28, 2010, 07:38:51 PM »
Failure to 'submit' a demo cannot... well I guess with some people on powertrips it can... so 'Should Not' result in a ban. There is absolutely no proof of cheating by failure to submit a demo.

BUT, if the 'accuser' were to submit his demo 'Jusu in this case' and posts the times of suspicion then he would have a valid argument. But right now just saying: 'ermm... Demo of wobluda at this time... ' shows and proves nothing but suspicion. So I repeat, since my post got 'ignored?' last time, get jusu to post his demo and if there is valid reason for juiicy to post his for further 'investigation' then he should be forced or a ban can be added for suspicion.

The amount of demo requests are just stupid, nothing ever has come from them. So make the accuser do more then say: This time, this server, this player. The accuser should have to go through his demo, 'and/or his teammates' and provide times. Cause you 'should not' ban anyone just for refusal to give a demo.

-- About cola's question: If somebody says something like: 'name' Im going to be requesting your demo after, can you type arecord to make sure your demo is recording for me?  --- Then I believe from that point on there should be no excuse. But alot of the times it's just: Lmao he found me! -- He's wallhacking -- Demo -- [ Meaning, alot of the time it seems more to be rage then a request ]

EDIT: Jusu said his demo didn't record, soo there is no proof 'unless he gets a demo from somebody else' that would make it appear juiicy is hacking, besides Jusu's assumption.


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Re: Request: juiicy demo
« Reply #24 on: October 28, 2010, 08:02:55 PM »
@Justin, no sir, no aggravation really. Maybe it has been that long since you heard me talk over voice. I hardly say a sentence without cursing. Sorry but it comes with the territory. I consider you somewhat of a friend as far as the interweb will allow.

@Myers... suggesting I am on a power trip is correct. I am in the committee who by my knowledge has the POWER to develop rules as long as they are deemed worthy by the creator of the game. I did not know YOU were the one making the rules and setting guidelines for this game. The rest of your post said the exact same thing I said. You are not on the committee. You do NOT make rules for this game.

The ban for not complying with a demo request is not because "he's guilty because he won't submit". It will result in a ban for two reasons.

1) you are making it that much harder for the people trying to make the game fair for everyone. Without demos we can not be sure of accusations then what is the point of fair play? Everyone is used to using demos for this reason and if you are not hacking then get over it.

2) It does nt take much space for demos, it doesn't take that long to upload a demo, there is no inconvenience so logically there is no reason to not post one. Why can't someone comply with this request?

Just for the record Myers... some people have never conducted themselves in a fashion to be accused of hacking. Jusu has earned a lot of respect from plenty in this game for his hard work here. Unlike you who has been suspected of cheats numerous times, multiple accounts that belong to your "brothers", and your constant work against valid players in this community. I'll call you out. Simple. 


  • Autococker
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Re: Request: juiicy demo
« Reply #25 on: October 28, 2010, 08:17:26 PM »
ahah. You don't get to make the rules either their big guy, get off your power trip because you have no rights either. You look for multiple accounts, and you 'watch demos sometimes to vote on bans'. Congratulations, that is all you are. You don't get to ban people, you're just 1 of 10 who get to vote on bans, but in reality Jitspoe gets the final say. So you may have more of an impact then I do 'so you think' on those decisions, but nowhere do you get to make rules for having 'Committee member' below your name. Infact go to the committee threads, where you and others applied, they explain what a committee member does, I think you and your power trip have it all wrong? But I forgive you!!! You act like you do alot for this game and are a productive member, all you are is a old man that tries to clean the forums, which Knack did noticably better, have a terribly biased opinion, think you are always right, and have a 1/10 vote '10% incase you arent good in math' on voting on bans, which is actually less because you have to add in jitspoe's opinion :/

You said this in another thread, I didn't quote it but anyways: If you wanna request team [ x ] demos, you must post your own. Soooo why does it work for [ x ] but not other people? Because 'you have a better rep' OH UNDERSTOOD. And me being suspected of cheats numerous times and multiple accounts, doesn't prove anything? People can suspect all they want, can't they? Suspicion happened, and I didn't get banned. I've been banned once almost 2 years ago, and that is all. So why is my 'rep' so bad? Jusu has been accused before, so he cheats? Understood. Your logic is absolutely superb! YOU cannot ban somebody, YOU cannot make rules, Juiicy will not get banned for not posting a demo without reasonable suspicion or detection. That's not me making rules, that's me not being completely and utterly retarded.

Also, are you calling me a hacking, multi-accounting, non-communittee based individual who is parasitic?
thats pretty bold considering I just organized, with the help of other respected members of the community, a very successful and generally well accepted league. So what do you expect the response to be?

Also what is: conducting themselves in a fashion to be accused of hacking --- DIDNT jusu say he had access to undetectable cheats not long ago? I'm confused by the lack of purpose in your post, it seems like its just to ignite more flames.

Again - what valid players in this game am I constantly workign against? Oh, the ones who say everyone hacks? Yeah that's true, I should jump the band wagon like you and base it on what I think of their attitude and not the current issue at hand ignoring who they are and their history. You know how to run the show.

Like what was your accomplishment out of that post? Get off Jusu's tip, your a mod stop playing favourites for yahh boiiz. Ya dig? Or ya need a shovel? But I love ya man!!!!!!!!


  • Autococker
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Re: Request: juiicy demo
« Reply #26 on: October 28, 2010, 10:27:29 PM »
As you mentioned, Flip, it's not hard to type in a few letters into the console. So I believe any request for a demo, whether it be jokingly, rage induced, or totally sincere, should be taken as a legit request.

What would be the terms for failing to provide a demo after being asked? Regardless of the nature.

There's too many people trying to avoid posting demos and spew out these random excuses. Although, I do understand that there has been a lot of hackusations. But, there's also been a lot of hacks passed around and quite a few bans that have come from it.

Maybe the rules need to be revised to reflect this. It's getting out of hand and frankly, it's destroying this game.


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Re: Request: juiicy demo
« Reply #27 on: October 29, 2010, 03:05:24 PM »
@Cola, I also believe that each demo request should be looked at as legit. I also agree with everything you have said in your last post. I just think that when someone is requesting another persons demo, they should post their own. It is simple to do this. Saves some time since we normally have to get that persons demo anyways. It also allows us to do a quick review while waiting on the other demo. Most European players already do this when requesting a demo. The hackusations are destroying this game although most of it has to do with a select few individuals who most believe hack but haven't been caught. Some just refuse to play because of this. It is what it is and all we can do is try to put forth an effort to change the current climate.

@Myers, Another old man comment. GG. I am an old man, as far as you are concerned. You are right that jitspoe has the last say in every aspect since this is his game after all and most of us would defer to him out of respect regardless. You are wrong in saying that the committee can not vote on a policy. Jits would have the last word but if he likes the idea and it gets implemented does it matter who created it?

If you don't recall, I don't assume everyone hacks. I was even one of shk's biggest supporters before you crawled out from under your rock. I'm sure shk can recall the many demos he sent me privately before even posting them. I don't incite flames. You do in almost every thread you post in. I supported you in your thread during the gg league. I still think you are what you are. Did you do something worth while? Yes. Does it negate your past? nope. My logic? lol.

You asked why is your rep so bad. Here is your answer. You have been suspected of many things. You only barely managed to weasel your way out of one or two of them. You still are under suspicion. You constantly try to protect cheaters. You've been caught in lies. You have applied to the committee but admit that you're friends have used hacks but won't turn them in. I could go on but being so old I don't remember where I was going with this.

Having access to undetectable hacks is one thing, using them is another. You can grasp that concept can't you? I love how you try to attack my policing of the forums. Way to go. I also love how you say I am on a power trip. Way to go. Prove where the power trip comes in? Doing what is asked of me?

Just realized that everything you said was answered in my previous post. lol


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Re: Request: juiicy demo
« Reply #28 on: October 29, 2010, 03:34:19 PM »
I don't mind having to post up my demo if I am asking for someone else's.


  • Stingray
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Re: Request: juiicy demo
« Reply #29 on: October 29, 2010, 04:14:14 PM »
I would like to suggest and elaborate on a few simple suggestions that may quicken and reduce the process of demo requests.

-Only 3 people are allowed to post in each thread.
*The Accuser
*The Accused
*The committee

There is no reason for any other player to be posting in these threads other than creating pointless arguments which lead to nothing and waste everyone's time.

-The Accuser must post their demo first and explain their request as someone else has suggested.

It's a pain to go back and look for demo's and it's time consuming uploading them
The accuser should have to go through the same process to be fair.

On an additional note... If someone does not wish to have their demo publicly viewed they should be able to post it to the accused (as well as copy in a committee member) then return to the forum to simple confirm that it was received.

-During the match if a player sees something suspicious they should request that the accused confirms the demo is recording (If possible to do so)

This will end the "Oh sorry, didn't record. sucks to be you" act, especially on the map 'wobulda'.

It may also be of interest for the time being that when you are playing on the map 'wobulda' you ask the other team to record demos if they're to be requested considering the problems there is with the map.

-If there is a constant array of demo requests for a specific player, who refuses to provide a demo will result in a ban and ONLY under the following circumstances (Which would be lifted as soon as the accused provides the demo)

Because simply refusing to give a demo 'cannot' result in a ban.

This of course is a touchy subject which would need a lot of time to fairly work out but if a player time after time again refuses to provide a demo (multiple times, not just once) with the accuser providing all information along with their demo and suspicious moments that have been viewed by the committee and have been determined by at least 60% of them to be suspicious moments then a player will be banned due to the fact that there is evidence that they are possibly doing something wrong and they refuse to disprove it.



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Re: Request: juiicy demo
« Reply #30 on: October 29, 2010, 09:13:30 PM »
Sounds awesome. I'm sure the committee and Jitspoe can tweak this a little and make it work. Good job. Jits already wants every unrelated posts deleted from the threads. Way to contribute and give us an idea. Do you mind if I post this in the topic I started about all this in the committee section?


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Re: Request: juiicy demo
« Reply #31 on: October 29, 2010, 10:00:06 PM »
I believe certain people choose to play Wabluda only due to the fact that demos rarely record on there. That's an easy way to get out of providing one.

I hope some rules come out to prevent any future hassles. Everyone is just trying to make this game more enjoyable and bring more people into the community. Why must people hack and lie just to say they are good on an online game.


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Re: Request: juiicy demo
« Reply #32 on: November 05, 2010, 03:25:25 PM »
Hacks is not whats making this game less enjoyable. Look around in game and out of game and you will see the issue.


  • Autococker
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Re: Request: juiicy demo
« Reply #33 on: November 05, 2010, 11:20:13 PM »
Yeah, it's the hackers/cheaters/multi-accounters.