You can make the bots better by opening the console and type skill #. # can be any number. I think default is 0. I think the only thing increasing the skill does is make them more accurate. Setting it to -1 makes them not shoot.
You can change the team the bots are on by opening the console and type botcommand <botname> join <team color/observer>. <botname> can be the name of a bot, <team color/observer> can be any team color, auto assign, or observer.
If you want to change the name of the bot, you have to give them the name before you put them in the game. You could try openning the console and type botcommand <botname> name <name>. <botname> can be any bot and <name> can be any word.
If that doesn't work then you need to open the console, type removebot all, then type addbot <name>. <name> can be any word you want.