I'm trying to say the out of game server browser is only open (at least on my computer) before I want to join a match. And when I say match i mean clan war.
Example of this... when someone would send me match info for super match 1, I'm not using the in game server browser because I can't sort the server names as I can on the out of game server browser. The in game browser seems to put them in random order after showing the highest populated servers first. Joining a match I'm usually first or second in, which means i have to sift through ALLL of the servers in game being as there is no way to sort them.
No one I know of leaves the out of game server browser open all day and I'm sure none of the newly downloaded newbs know it even exists. I don't think I knew about it until I was on IRC and someone mentioned it.
Why not put the efforts into an in game one that shows who's inside of the servers, so the newbs can find their friends and so its much more accessible to arrange the servers by ping, population, name.