Personally, I think someone could find use for some new entities; especially the trigger ones, and they wouldn't be hard to implement.
Now, on to the entity requests.
- A team-specific trigger. Could be in the current trigger_once or trigger_multiple.
- A 'grabbed the flag' trigger. Would have to be team-specific. (Could be *team* grabbed the flag, or *team*'s flag was grabbed)
- Make flags be able to be spawned with the trigger(or func?)_spawn. Also, make entites go along conveyor belts. This could make some thing where a flag spawns on one end of the conveyor belt, but it stops when the flag is grabbed.
- An 'on' trigger for toggable entities and an 'off' one too.
- A trigger that is on as long as there is a player inside it, and off when they're not there. (Or vice-versa)
- And bring back the func_explode! We can probably get a new explosion model.
That's all for now. Post ideas, if you have any