Well, I see why your file size was so large - you're including other texture packs in the zip file (such as the CTP1 and UB textures).
A couple issues with this pack:
1) Some of your directories are uppercase. Make sure all files and directories are lowercase (Linux is case sensitive, and using different cases causes problems, so just make everything lowercase).
2) You only have HR4 versions of most of your textures. Not everybody has the highres textures enabled. You should have scaled-down versions of the textures (1/4 the dimensions of the hr4's) in the textures/baseballdude directory. The solid-colored textures could just be put in that directory and don't need to be duplicated in the hr4 directory.
3) Some of the texture dimensions are not powers of 2. All textures should use powers of 2 for their width and height: 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024. If they're not, they're just going to be resized by the game and look bad.