Hey Trion and Omni,
Just for the record, Hogmans, Heisenberg and myself very rarely (if at all) recruit new members whom we are not very familiar with. As it stands, I'm yet to recruit any player whom I have not played with regularly over the course of several weeks. This is not to say that the clan is closed off to others, but I like to know that people I am bringing in to the clan will be regularly available.
As for the number of members in the clan, as you pointed out yourself omni, we have US, AUS and EU players all in one single clan. This means that there should be no more than about six players in your timezone which you can get to know, train with and organise matches with. If we were to have just six players maximum, we would have to restrict our intake into a single timezone, otherwise you would find difficulty finding any more than 1-2 other players on at a given time.
Nonetheless, I do recognise that we have quite a sizeable number of members in the clan currently. For this reason, I stopped taking new members about a week ago. Moreover, members that do not appear to be active will receive a series of warnings for inactivity before being kicked (3 strikes and out). Please note that this rule will ONLY APPLY to those that I myself have brought in to the clan, and not those recruited by heisenberg or hogmans (i.e. the inactivity rule will only apply to boots, jigsdaddy and Choice). This will ensure that we have a tight group of regular players, rather than a large clan full of inactive members.