Author Topic: Useful resources for writing blender 2.8x scripts (especially import scripts)  (Read 3930 times)


  • Stingray
  • Posts: 60
I bookmarked some useful pages when I worked on my .md2 import script ( Since blender likes doing API changes e.g. many from 2.7x to 2.8x and python does the same (blender 2.8x uses python 3.7) scripts and add-ons always have to be kept up-to-date. - The bottom answer (dunno how to link replies from stackexchange without an account) shows how to create an object in blender from a list of vertices and faces - Shows an API change that caused trouble for me when I copy and pasted some old code - same here - (the reply below the linked one) explains how to reload a module. Since the blender text editor isn't super comfortable I wrote most of the code in an external file in a different IDE (Pycharm is good for python). Changing that file requires manually reloading it in the main file in blender. Also explains importing modules from custom directories. and - In blender you can animate individual vertices, necessary when you're importing animated 3D models - shows how to assign uv coordinates to faces. required later assigning a uv map - don't remember why I needed this, I think it says that you assign uv coordinates to triangles (aka. each vertex in a triangle) instead of directly assigning them to a vertex - to add the uv texture/skin - why jitspoe should remove all pcx images: modern software doesn't support that format anymore - you can still edit an image pixel by pixel in blender or even create a new one. This way you could build a pcx loader / import any unsupported format