Author Topic: PLEASE HELP me to collect research for a project!  (Read 4084 times)


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 328
PLEASE HELP me to collect research for a project!
« on: November 10, 2013, 08:59:12 AM »
Hello everyone,

This year I have been given the opportunity to gain a qualification through doing a project. I can do this project on whatever I want so, naturally, I chose Digital Paint. My project title is “To design and develop a map (level) in the first person shooter game and paintball simulator; Digital Paint Paintball 2.” I have gained permission from Jitspoe but now I need YOUR help!

To complete my research I need to gather some primary data so I would be grateful if you could spend some of your time completing a questionnaire. Ideally I need 10-20 replies. Please leave questions out of the thread but rather pm me them. Please do not troll or go off topic. This questionnaire will be done completely anonymously so none of your usernames will be recorded. Please answer the questions below in the format of the example post:

Question 1a:
What theme would interest you in a map?
A metro station/track,
A sapphire mine,
A tundra.

Please state any other themes that you think would look good and have the potential to play well in a map.

Question 1b:
Based on the theme you mentioned on question 1a,  can you name any interesting aesthetics or terrain that could be implemented on the map?
A train for the metro theme,
Blue lighting coming from the mystical sapphires in caves and waterfalls,
Jagged rocks and a rift that you can fall into and die.

Question 2a:
What game type would you like to see in a new map?

Question 2b:
Do you think ‘king of the hill’ mode and/or ‘siege’ mode are underplayed?

Question 2c:
If so would you like to see anything other than the standard ‘Capture the flag’ 1, 2, 3 or 4 flag modes in matching?

Question 3a:
Do you prefer…?
Maps with a ‘low’ route and a ‘high’ route like daylight, propaint 1and Protection ;
Maps with one unified ‘mid’ like Wobluda_fix;
Maps with one ‘mid’ but with multiple levels to it like Renoir, Shazam22 and overhang;
Maps with a ‘left’ route and a ‘right’ route and a ‘switch’ like pbcup_pforest and sabotage.


Question 3b:
What is the value of having… in a map? Do you think it is necessary?
A ‘speed jump’,
A ‘Back Door’,

Question 4:
Who is your favorite mapper?

Question 5:
What is your favorite map?
« Last Edit: November 10, 2013, 11:18:40 AM by Mission »


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 328
Re: Please help me to collect research for a project!
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2013, 08:59:46 AM »
Example Post:

1a: I would like to see a metro station done well. The lanes could be made from the different tracks and stations across the map.

1b: There could be a derailed train, a control tower with the flag in and tunnels with flickering lights.

2a: There aren’t enough good KOTH maps; however CTF is the most popular gamemode for a reason. Stick with CTF.

2b: Yes, KOTH is incredibly fun to me and there isn’t a dedicated KOTH server but newbies find it hard to understand.

2c: No, competitive matches should always be in CTF mode, however fun matches should be played however the teams want it to be played.

3a: I prefer maps with a ‘left’ route and a ‘right’ route and a ‘switch’ because it allows for respawn capping and more complex tactics.

3b: I don’t think a speed jump is necessary because it ruins the value of map control. A BD, or a side route to flag is very important so that teams can confuse campers with timing (both running in from different ways at the same time). Ice shouldn’t be randomly placed around a map but it does allow for some cool jumps and fast gameplay, however it is not necessary.

4: DirtyTaco because his pbcup maps offer great gameplay and aesthetics. Cusoman has created some great maps too. JMR’s maps are improving every time he makes a new one.

5: propaint1 because I find it enjoyable to match on.


  • Map Committee
  • Autococker
  • Posts: 574
Re: PLEASE HELP me to collect research for a project!
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2013, 09:22:47 AM »
Q1a: Westerm ruiens: So, western styled buildings with broken fences, barns for horses, Etc.

- Westerm ruiens: broken fences
- Mountain Train Track: Train crashed into mountain
- Cityscape: Smashed windows
- Metro: cracked wall

Q2a: CTF

Q2b: I think think that siege is played enough, but I think KOTH should be played more in matches.

Q2c: I'd like to see it as a 4 flag map. (2 flags per team)

Q3a: Maps with one mid but with multiple levels

Q3b:  'speedjump' VERY important. 'BD' VERY important. 'ICE' should be only used where it's suitable, e.g a cold area. Otherwise, make terrain that you bounce off to maintain/gain speed.

Q4: My favorite map is DirtyTaco, because, compared to the others, he uses a lot of detail, but his gameplay is great along with complex jumps that make the map more fun.

Q5: I can't directly point to a specific favorite map, however, a few examples of maps I really like are: propaint1, pbcup_pforest and pbcup_sassault.


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 703
Re: PLEASE HELP me to collect research for a project!
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2013, 09:51:36 AM »
1a. I agree with JMR that Paintball needs a "wild west" themed map.
Other themes that would work well are tundra, river valley (this would have to be very well-terrained), and sewer.

-train track but no train
-broken windows for shooting out of
-a bar (maybe not the center of action but a nice "scenic" spot)
-dirt roads

2a. CTF. It's the best game mode.

2b. Siege is played just fine as it is. KOTH is underplayed. There should be more good koth maps and a full-time KOTH server.

2c. I don't match, but I think KOTH would work well for matches as long as it's a good map.

3a. I like maps with at least 3 different routes from base to flag and big bases to avoid spawnkilling and other types of camping.

3b. Ice should only be used in moderation. I don't know what BD stands for. Speed jumps are very important but shouldn't be game-breaking.

4. My favorite mapper is S8N because I like the different paths in nhb that take the same amount of time, I like airtime because its jumps are fun but not game-breaking, and I like Dark Ages although I disagree with the flag being on such a small stand that you've gotta jump onto. Some other mappers I like are Dirty_Taco, Clipz, JMR, myself, and JopeZz.

5. Freedom because the gameplay is excellent, although lag and camping is bad; Discovery because it looks nice and gameplay is always fun and intense; nhb because of the reason stated above; and London because gameplay is exciting and the map is good-looking, although camping is a problem on that map.


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 645
Re: PLEASE HELP me to collect research for a project!
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2013, 10:46:11 AM »
Question 1a:
What theme would interest you in a map?

I think a Naval theme would be nice if done right. Maybe even just a destroyed warship.

Question 1b:
Based on the theme you mentioned on question 1a,  can you name any interesting aesthetics or terrain that could be implemented on the map?

Could have an aircraft carrier/Warship for the mid.
The low could be the inside of submarines.
The destroyed ship alone could the whole map. Ramping off a broken beam from low to the deck. Idk A lot of things can be done with that.

Question 2a:
What game type would you like to see in a new map?


Question 2b:
Do you think ‘king of the hill’ mode and/or ‘siege’ mode are underplayed?

Siege isn't and I believe Koth is played enough also, especially for the quality of maps that's set for it.

Question 2c:
If so would you like to see anything other than the standard ‘Capture the flag’ 1, 2, 3 or 4 flag modes in matching?

I think the matching is perfect as far as the flag counts go.

Question 3a: Layout
Do you prefer…?
Maps with a ‘low’ route and a ‘high’ route like daylight, propaint 1and Protection ;
Maps with one unified ‘mid’ like Wobluda_fix;
Maps with one ‘mid’ but with multiple levels to it like Renoir, Shazam22 and overhang;
Maps with a ‘left’ route and a ‘right’ route and a ‘switch’ like pbcup_pforest and sabotage.

I don't prefer any map layout. They are all fun. You must have variety.

Question 3b: Map Attributes
What is the value of having… in a map? Do you think it is necessary?
A ‘speed jump’,
A ‘Back Door’,

I think the value of having speed jump, back door, Ice, etc is that you maintain the teamwork and strategy while increasing the game-play. A lot of maps however have so much speed ramps and ice that its no longer about the team game. Its about who can get to the flag fastest and cap it. With the speeds of some of the weapons and the range. its hard to hit people flying around on maps like prolandr.

Question 4: Favorite Mapper
Who is your favorite mapper?

 DT is my favorite mapper. His maps doesn't have speed jumps that's impossible to defend against. All his maps still require teamwork and strategy while adding the fun and speed from the jumps. You can still defend and even the slowest team, with proper strategy can survive against a fast team on his maps. Maps that involve jumping skills, teamwork, and strategy are the best to me.

Question 5:
What is your favorite map?

Pbcup_pforest, pbcup_renoir, airtime1, and s22. Unlike a lot of the maps played now, these maps don't sacrifice teamwork, strategy or skill.


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 875
Re: PLEASE HELP me to collect research for a project!
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2013, 11:27:36 AM »
Question 1a:
What theme would interest you in a map?

I agree with atmays, a naval theme would look good.

Question 1b:
Based on the theme you mentioned on question 1a,  can you name any interesting aesthetics or terrain that could be implemented on the map?

Broken ship, some rooms in the ship you could hide in, some helicopters and planes on the naval vessel, and rails to help you stay on the ship, but if you jump over them, you die.

Question 2a:
What game type would you like to see in a new map?

I have no idea how it would work on the ship, but CTF would be nice.
Question 2b:
Do you think ‘king of the hill’ mode and/or ‘siege’ mode are underplayed?

Siege is obviously played on Siege USA/Europa almost everyday, so siege is not underplayed for sure. But KOTH is, however, the only map that is really played on that mode is stack.

Question 2c:
If so would you like to see anything other than the standard ‘Capture the flag’ 1, 2, 3 or 4 flag modes in matching?

Yes, I can see 1-flag maps in it, or possibly siege. But I think CTF will always dominate the matching scene. And like JMR said, the other modes will likely be used more in fun types of matches.

Question 3a: Layout
Do you prefer…?

I prefer either maps with at least 1 high and 1 low route or maps with at least 2 routes running through it, as it helps eliminate camping.

Question 3b: Map Attributes
What is the value of having… in a map? Do you think it is necessary?

BD - important, SPEED - important, route_1 or route_2 important
All of those should be at least considered/tested for gameplay in a map

Question 4: Favorite Mapper
Who is your favorite mapper?

DirtyTaco and Clipz because all their maps have at least two routes in them and focus on gameplay alot.

Question 5:
What is your favorite map?

Propaint1 and pbcup_pforest because they both have two routes/high low routes and speed and bd areas.


  • Map Committee
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Re: PLEASE HELP me to collect research for a project!
« Reply #6 on: November 10, 2013, 01:27:21 PM »
Question 1a:
What theme would interest you in a map?
Abandoned industrial areas, power plants, steel foundries, etc

Question 1b:
Conveyer belts, maybe a chernobyl-4 style control room

Question 2a:
Really, anything except CTF, there are so many CTF maps. Siege or even KOTH.

Question 2b:
KOTH is not underplayed because there aren't many very good maps. Siege gets played on the available maps on pubs so I think that's fine. Both are played appropriately considering the number of good maps they have.

Question 2c:
Yes. A good KOTH map would be cool.

Question 3a:
Maps with a multi-level mid are great. They make confrontation optional, but with the option of forcing it to prevent flag trades etc.

Question 3b:
Speed jumps that are required to navigate the map are bad, but if they can be used as a challenge that allows a minor advantage, they're great.
Back doors are good when they prevent flag capturing.
"Ice" very rarely adds anything to a map and often looks totally out of place.

Question 4:
Skater. Ultimate Pub Map will probably forever remain both the best and worst paintball2 map of all time. upm.bsp for life.

Question 5:
Shazam22. It may look ugly in comparison to remakes, but it still plays as well as it ever did.


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 328
Re: PLEASE HELP me to collect research for a project!
« Reply #7 on: November 10, 2013, 04:49:10 PM »
Thank you for the response so far! Keep them coming.


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 319
Re: PLEASE HELP me to collect research for a project!
« Reply #8 on: November 10, 2013, 04:57:41 PM »
Question 1a:
What theme would interest you in a map?
A medieval style, old bricks, dark tudor woods, and washed out scenery.

Question 1b:
Thin narrow streets, steep alleyways and close shops, I think Whitby is a good example if you have been there.

Question 2a:
Deathmatch, The narrow streets and should make for very good game-play.

Question 2b:
YES!! They are never played as much as they could/ maybe should be.

Question 2c:
No, I like KOTH/ DM etc. mode but I don't think it should be played like that because CTF is still the most entertaining

Question 3a:
Simple few routes with cleverly placed lines and points that allow interesting gameplay, super high area

Question 3b:
The value of having this is that people can use key locations that allow for interesting gameplay.

Question 4:
Cusoman, His maps are so good looking, and unique in terms of layout as well.

Question 5:
Shazam44, Some best memories are of this map, I like it because of what it means to me, the best shazam.


  • Map Committee
  • Autococker
  • Posts: 2190
Re: PLEASE HELP me to collect research for a project!
« Reply #9 on: November 11, 2013, 02:50:29 AM »
Question 1a:
What theme would interest you in a map?
Something that is different. Every map played nowadays is just kind of random, all set outside, with hills or long bridges. So maybe a specific kind of theme like, as you mentioned, metro or some sort of blocked off road (buildings etc).

Question 1b:
Based on the theme you mentioned on question 1a,  can you name any interesting aesthetics or terrain that could be implemented on the map?
Metro can have a long broken down train, doors hanging on the side, maybe a little mist to create a nice environment for the player and just something similar to BF3's Metro map would be cool.

The other theme kind of speaks for itself, buildings, cars, a park? A lot of things you could do with this theme that will set the map out from the rest.

Question 2a:
What game type would you like to see in a new map?
I'd like to see a nice, spread out, deathmatch map.

Question 2b:
Do you think ‘king of the hill’ mode and/or ‘siege’ mode are underplayed?
I think all game types should have great quality maps but, as everyone knows, DP is lacking some quality maps in certain game types. Pong/KOTH/DM/Siege are all under played with TDM being played the least (as far as I know). So yes, I think they are.

Question 2c:
If so would you like to see anything other than the standard ‘Capture the flag’ 1, 2, 3 or 4 flag modes in matching?
In matching? I've never really thought about it.. A good TDM/Siege/Koth map could be a lot of fun in a match. So yeah, that'd be awesome.

Question 3a:
Do you prefer…?
Maps with a ‘low’ route and a ‘high’ route like daylight, propaint1 and Protection ;
Maps with one unified ‘mid’ like Wobluda_fix;
Maps with one ‘mid’ but with multiple levels to it like Renoir, Shazam22 and overhang;
Maps with a ‘left’ route and a ‘right’ route and a ‘switch’ like pbcup_pforest and sabotage.

I prefer them all.


Question 3b:
What is the value of having… in a map? Do you think it is necessary?
A ‘speed jump’,
A ‘Back Door’,

Ice is definitely not necessary. :) Nothing is really necessary!

Question 4:
Who is your favorite mapper?


The reason I have chosen those two mappers are because they are original and very talented.

Well duh. Even though pbcup_2fort5 should be deleted. :)

Question 5:
What is your favorite map?


They play very well, and twiling looks amazing.[/color]


  • PGP
  • Posts: 33
Re: PLEASE HELP me to collect research for a project!
« Reply #10 on: November 14, 2013, 01:24:22 PM »
Q1a: I think somethinkg lie a mine would be cool. I wanted to do that myself and probably will do but why don't you try it too? :)

Q1b: Terraining, beams with lights and maybe some rails...

Q2a: 1 white flag ctf

Q2b: I'm not sure about that. i rarely played KOTH/deatchmatch as a a mathcing map ....

Q3a: maps with a left and a right way cuz it forces you to play more tactical than just passing by each other or line someone down on united mid part.

Q3b: speed jump and bd. they are simply need imo.

1) DirtyTaco: He made great maps. He combines good gameplay and details with it's overall looking.
2) JMR: He has a orginal style in his maps and puts much time into his projects.

Q5: pbcup_sassault, pbcup_pforest, greenpark. They all have a good gameplay and detailed look. :)


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 328
Re: PLEASE HELP me to collect research for a project!
« Reply #11 on: November 22, 2013, 10:58:51 AM »
Okay thanks for all the replies so far. It is coming close to the deadline date for my research, so if you haven't replied yet then please do. Thanks for helping out.


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Re: PLEASE HELP me to collect research for a project!
« Reply #12 on: November 22, 2013, 04:00:28 PM »
Question 1a:
What theme would interest you in a map?

Question 1b:
Based on the theme you mentioned on question 1a,  can you name any interesting aesthetics or terrain that could be implemented on the map?
Pipes, warehouses, large equipment

Question 2a:
What game type would you like to see in a new map?

CTF, but without an excessive number of flags. :P

Question 2b:
Do you think ‘king of the hill’ mode and/or ‘siege’ mode are underplayed?
KOTH doesn't get played much -- I think a lot of players have difficulty understanding the mode.  Siege gets played a fair bit, but could stand to have more good maps that support it.

Question 2c:
If so would you like to see anything other than the standard ‘Capture the flag’ 1, 2, 3 or 4 flag modes in matching?
An interesting pong map could be cool, but would probably need a more streamlined/abstract theme than an industrial setting.

Question 3a:
Do you prefer…?
Maps with a ‘low’ route and a ‘high’ route like daylight, propaint 1and Protection ;
Maps with one unified ‘mid’ like Wobluda_fix;
Maps with one ‘mid’ but with multiple levels to it like Renoir, Shazam22 and overhang;
Maps with a ‘left’ route and a ‘right’ route and a ‘switch’ like pbcup_pforest and sabotage.

Low and high routes tend to be too common, in my opinion, but they do have good gameplay.  I think I probably prefer a left and right path layout.

No specific reason.  I think anything with well balanced paths can work, regardless if they are over/under, left/right, etc.

Question 3b:
What is the value of having… in a map? Do you think it is necessary?
A ‘speed jump’,
A ‘Back Door’,

I feel ice is used too frequently in maps and can make it difficult to balance the traversal time (ex: skilled players can go REALLY FAST on ice, but the gap may not be as large on other terrain).  Back doors are fine, but I think they should be balanced such that they don't have a trick jump path that is significantly shorter than a new-player-friendly path.

Question 4:
Who is your favorite mapper?

Cusoman for flow, Krewzer/Hobo for attention to detail.

Question 5:
What is your favorite map?

Probably Carpathian because it has pretty good flow and visuals.