You can delete everything after the first rcon_password "" in the config file. That are the same settings like above.
For the autobalance, you have to add this:
set g_autobalance 0
0 = no autobalance
1 = autobalance
2 = autobalance and don't allow team changes
The forcejoin command works for me, but sometimes the game switches the player back to the old team (immediately). So it may look like it doesn't work, but you should see the team change message in the console.
Some other things, i would add to a match server:
set sv_login 2
0 = no logins required
1 = require logins for registered names
2 = require logins for all players
set g_autorecord 1
0 = no automatic demo recording
1 = forces demo recording on clients
2 = forces demo recording on clients, when the server is passworded
set g_autorecord_prefix "snood_match1_"
Prefix, that replaces the text "auto_" in front of a demo filename. Use it to find the demos of your server easier.