Well, I checked in my IDE what it does to make it borderless, the mixture turns out to be:
in hex it's $960B0000.
One may wonder how to put it into his already compiled ref_pbgl.dll: Answer is DWORD at $1A9A2 (which is basically two bytes before our $CF), but this time we write DWORD, not a single byte. Place you write is going to be 4 bytes long, and is now $00CF0000 (notice how I reverse all bytes in order, this is because of x86 architecture being little-endian (see
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endianness )).
So in order to modify this we need to modify those four bytes to summarize: $00=>$00, $00=>$00, $CF=>$0B, $00=>$96.
Please again notice that this is ONLY for b40.
Here are some more generic instructions how to be a hacker and find yourself where to modify this (warning: this might have some differences than showed, basically if jitspoe decides to modify his code around place we are working on, but hopefully should work around b40, maybe even b50 if we even reach that):
1.Download Free IDA Pro (free version is enough).
2.Open your ref_pbgl.dll in it (press OK after it asks you how to decode), and wait until it ends processing file (ding should happen when thats done).
3.You should have string view as showed on screenshot (number 1). Start entering letters that are in 2 "Couldn't register blablabla", until you find this same string in your string view. Double-click.
4.Now you will see place where this string is. This string doesn't interest us, but is near to place that is important for us, so we move cursor to "aCouldnTRegiste" (this is name my IDA gave to this string, it should be right after "db '<string here>'"). We press key X.
5.Xrefs window will pop, since we have only one reference to this place, we press OK.
6.Now you should see code similar to one that I show. If it's not, try pressing Space to enter other view mode.
7.Move to code that I marked with 3, this is place that we modify. Notify that IDA guessed what this variable is, telling us "dwStyle". Also we notify DWORD we want: "0CF0000h". But where it is in our file?
8.Move your cursor exactly to line I showed, then press Space to enter normal view. Now again make sure that cursor is exactly in that line I showed (IDA likes to change it sometimes).
9.Change your tab to HexView (marked 4). Now you will see hex notation of file: If you done everything right, IDA should highlight instruction we are on now. You can see bytes: $00,$00,$CF,$00 at end of this instruction. Move your cursor to first of that four bytes.
10.Now don't make mistake, the number shown on left is only valid after file is loaded to memory. We need a offset in file. This should be on lower information panel (marked with 5, but on other view, so you can't see it there). There are few offsets there, left-most is the one we need.
11. Grab any hex editor and do your changes. Be aware that IDA will not show you changes: You need to exit IDA and reload file to do that (with clear database, so no need to save it).
12. Verify that you did correct modification: Only our hex value should be changed, all other instructions should look same as first time you looked at them. If something went wrong: Revert from backup that you of course made. If everything is okay, run file and you should get a borderless mode!
Have fun hacking, who knows what those files have hidden inside.