whats the most obvious thing someone could do in 1v2 if you dont hear any grabsound and you already got flag? right, hes hiding somewhere. your spot was pretty obvious^^
also, i dont think hes using WH because he missed way to many (wh) shots he got surprised very often when he walked around corners and stuff, which is not typical for someone whos using wallhack.
No i meant spot, i was hiding behind wall on left side of long. No one is looking there, maybe some more skilled players, but he seemed to be novice, and he dont even had flag, he run thru long for flag, but he knew iam there, when i saw him, he was actually looking on me and even started shooting before he saw me. He just knew i was there. But i have no this on demo, cuz i started recording after, when i was 100% sure he has wallhack.
17:25 seems crazy, but ok with good Headset.
but 15:45 ...rly.. sqz? ^^
15:45 is decent predict, when nobody was in long, u automatically looks to base bridge, roof or stairs, if u r clever u will make a line there.
Only questionable moment was when he shot you while you were hiding in the long stair hallway, but upon further investigation, it was a short respawn server, and he just respawned, so he probably saw you hide there while he was eliminated, then went to kill you. All the rest of the times he seemed oblivious to your actual location (especially when you did things like crouch on top of the boxes near the flag -- that's obvious with a WH, and he didn't even look).
I will try to make demo from his view (i will chase cam him) next time when i will meet him, cuz i know this demo is excrement. You can burn my right leg if this guy has no wallhack.