Author Topic: [News] #4 Weekly tournament results and discussion  (Read 4113 times)


  • Map Committee
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[News] #4 Weekly tournament results and discussion
« on: March 15, 2015, 05:45:22 PM »
Greetings paintballers!

I would like to thank you all for participating again for this 4th week of the weekly tournaments! Once again, we had a participation of 6 teams! We had two new teams join the tournament, New Era and the funclan [JbWkz].

What can I say about the results this tournament? The first thing I'd like to say is, what a strange maplist, eh? It was strange because the majority of the maps in this week's tournament are rarely played, forcing teams to adapt their skill across maps that they are not so used to. However, I personally found it refreshing playing a tournament without playing pp1 or pforest.

The maplist was:
pp_sw, ruggedcountry, beta/sassault4_b3, beta/daylight_b1, beta/overhang_b10, mystique, beta/roanoke_b2, litt, worldfades

Moving on, CheckMate... well.. I think it's safe to say that they didn't get lucky, that's for sure. They have won four tournaments in a row now. However, they did have to work a lot harder this tournament. For the first time in the whole series, they actually got pushed down to the losers bracket. CheckMate played litt vs Power of Five. It was a very close game though (28-27.) CheckMate then made their way storming through the losers bracket and smashed Power of Five in the finals 4:0.

Power of Five taking second place for the first time in this series, leaving them only three points behind oXmoze on the results page. (You can find the series point standings here:

Funclan Jabawockeez :: [JbWkz] came third and played rather well, winning against both NobleXity and oXmoZe!

Will the brackets be different next week? Will oXmoZe stand their ground in second place and will CheckMate ever lose a tournament? Lets see what next week brings!

There are two more tournaments left in this series before the points will reset and a new season will begin. The next series will probably last about three months until the points get reset again with the possibility of a cash prize.

You can view the brackets for this week's tournament here:

Reading this and realize you're missing out on the fun? There's always next week! I shall see you guys at 7pm next Sunday!

See you next week!

« Last Edit: March 16, 2015, 11:11:48 AM by JMR »


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 183
Re: [News] #4 Weekly tournament results and discussion
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2015, 08:19:13 AM »
To be clear it wasn't the first time they lost a map if you include former finals. (vP, oxz)
« Last Edit: March 16, 2015, 03:52:14 PM by MrPeach »


  • Map Committee
  • Autococker
  • Posts: 574
Re: [News] #4 Weekly tournament results and discussion
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2015, 11:11:13 AM »
To be clear it wasn't first time they lost a map if you include former finals. (vP, oxz)

Very good point. It was the first time they were pushed to the losers bracket, but not the first time they lost a map.

Thank you for your correction, I will adjust this news post accordingly.