I have to disagree on this one.
Ball speed and firing rate are two completely different things. The ball speed affects the probability of getting hit when jumping through a line only to a minimal extend - and a higher ball speed actually decreases the probability of getting hit since a slower ball stays longer in the area where it would collide with the player where a faster ball leaves that area faster (although I don't know how the hit detection is done and whether something like a player running into a ball would cause an elimination). The time until the next ball reaches that area is not affected by the ball speed at all, just by the firing rate. Obviously, a higher firing rate would increase the probability of the player getting eliminated. You can, however, in a game where the movement speed is close to not being limited, not really increase the firing rate to the extend that you will always hit people when lining somewhere. Also, you can't change the game so that whenever you move your crosshair across an enemy (like it happens a lot in these two videos) you eliminate him. You can not make these situations disappear, just less probable.
Do you really think a higher probability of hitting someone when just quickly moving your crosshair across him would raise the game's match level / skill requirement, especially when you just need one hit to get the elimination? I doubt it. I think it requires much more skill to aim at the right spot (in front if the players movement direction) for a longer period of time to be sure that you fired at least one ball in this time so that you hit that player. You like to compare this to CS:GO. There, it's also about keeping your crosshair on the enemy (and compensating recoil) as long as he is not dead. Lines like you would do them in paintball are not possible. Does that reduce the skill level? I don't think so. In my opinion it leads to many interesting fights.