I decided to spend some time on account related issues, since there are a lot of people who have had problems. When registering an account fails (ex: somebody already has the name registered), the failure notification is more obvious and informative. Some people had not been reading closely and thought the account created when it didn't.
The other issue is that people get kicked for using names and clan tags that are registered to other players. I ended up pretty much completely revamping the name system. Now it will force strip clan tags and rename players that are using registered tags/names that don't belong to them. It should hopefully prevent potential exploits and rename spam as well.
I've done some work on the bots as well, but like most things programming-related. As you progress, you find 100 more things you have to do that you didn't think about. The beginnings of a player path recording system are in. I just have to make the bots properly follow them, handle loading and saving, map switches, navigation between paths, compression, failure cases, ...
Lots of little misc. things as well, like fixing the autobalance spam at the end of matches, adding a "showspawns" debug command (useful for mappers and map judges
). Made the "nextmap" command actually confirm that you used it. Fixed the delay that sometimes happens showing the scoreboard. Fixed a crash with maps that have over 32k surfaces. Fixed jpeg loading code to support more formats. Tweaked min/max rate values to be higher.
I have a feeling it's still going to take a while before the next build is releasable with the new bots, and even then, they'll be in a pretty rough state, but hopefully better than the old bots at least.