Alright, I figured with all the talk about the paintball committee and soon to be league, maybe getting ideas or suggestions for a type of map list that should be put together, would be good.
In the original DPL, mostly run by Red Eagle and Gibb, there was a map list which clans had to pick from in for their matches. Hopefully, in my opinion, that'll be the way it is for the upcoming DPL.
I'm thinking a maplist of approx. 10-15 maps should be sufficient. From what I've heard, apparently matches will be held to a 4v4 minimum, or at least it's the preferred number. Anyway, 6 maps that I believe should be included in this map list are as follows:
- Midnight
- Hell Survivors
- Pforest
- Ksplat2
- Sphouse
- Castle1 ( I hate this map but meh, it works for 4v4)
Please, throw in your ideas, add on to the map list or take some out.