Author Topic: My ideas for new features (good stuff here)  (Read 1648 times)


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 199
My ideas for new features (good stuff here)
« on: January 04, 2003, 08:07:04 PM »
I'm in support of completely redesigning the game from scratch.  Always was.  If jitspoe can remember that far back, you know I was campaigning that.  That way you can build it back up to how it is now, but with lots of new features and improvements, less bugs, and just hopefullly everything will be more efficient and better overall.  So some of these features might be too much to do unless you completely rewrite some of the code or start over, but ill include them anyway cuz they are good.

- Add a stamina meter.  This would add a new dimension to the gameplay, without radically changing it, while at the same time fixing some of the games main problems.  Basically as you run/jump you lose stamina and slow down to regular walking speed.  As you walk or stand still you regain that stamina.  The key is to balance it so that it doesnt make the game too slow paced or realistic, but at the same time eliminate any abuse of "bunny hopping" or unrealistic and unfun "extreme" rushing tactics.

- Add a jamming feature on markers.  This would limit spraying abuse.  You wouldnt be able to just grab a cocker hold down the trigger endlessly while running around and grabbing ammo.  You're gun would jam after 25 rounds without break(or something) and you wouldnt be able to shoot for 5 seconds.  (and of course you would slow down cuz your stamina is decreasing).  This should be different for each marker.

- Major overhaul of graphics and sound.  This would look newer and more appealing.  Help bring more people in, give it more life, etc.

- Add more markers, equipment, etc.  Mostly just for variety.   There should be more middle range markers, even if the differnces in performance were only slight.  Maybe some markers could only support certain upgrades.

- Add some kind of upgrade feature.  I dont know exatly what the best way to impliment this would be.  But somehow reward those who grab whatever gun they get first, even if its not the best, and keep it.  So if you get "stuck" with that traccer for a while, at least you have something to look forward too.  And itll decrease the desire for everyone to grab the cocker or automag.  Possibilities could be upgrades based on time, # of kills, or how about if you grab a higher gun (but dont actually drop yours).  I dunno what the upgrades can be, but something  :)

- Different types of grenades, or uses for them?  Just to add some more variety and some slight strategy.  You should also have to "charge" it for a few seconds (meaning you cant shoot during this time) before being able to toss it.  This would prevent abuse, while still keeping the gameplay pretty much the same.

- Single player mode.  I dunno, be creative and make a single player mode  :D

-  Practice mode.  Have training lessons on the basic gameplay elements.  And a target practice thingy.

- Extensive clan mode.  Wasnt there supposed to be some kind of a clan mode being worked on WAY back when the mod was still beta?  How about finishing it  ;D

I probably have other ideas that i cant think of right now.  The key is to keep the games balance of arcade and simulation.  Its not too realistic like HLPB was, but its not too arcadeish and silly like an NBA Jam type game is.  The balance is perfect - keep it that way.  But what you want to do is enhance the gameplay (stamina bar) and reduce any cheapness or abusive tactics.  At the same time you have to realize that there will be newbies and really you have to make the game for them, cuz you need to find new blood.  So a practice mode would ease them into the game better.  Of all my ideas i think the stamina meter is most important.  More markers you can do without, but it would just add some freshness to the game.


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Re: My ideas for new features (good stuff here)
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2003, 08:53:35 PM »
Thanks for the input.  At this point, I kind of want to wrap up Paintball 2 and start a completely new game, so I probably won't be adding many more major features.  That way I can have free reign to do whatever and not have to worry about annoying old players with gameplay changes (been there, done that).  It will have a bit of a graphics overhaul (24bit textures in the standalone version), and I plan to make a practice map.

I wish modifications were as simple as "doubling the number of markers." :)  It takes a lot of time to model, texture, and code these things, plus there are lots of issues with backwards-compatibility (ie, maps that were designed with the specific weapons and equipment originally in the game).  When you think about it, there are really 448 "different" guns in the game, taking into account all possible combinations of upgrades, so I don't think there's a need for more. :)


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 199
Re: My ideas for new features (good stuff here)
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2003, 07:47:43 AM »
Yah.  Hey man i did some programming in my day.  I understand.  


  • Stingray
  • Posts: 88
Re: My ideas for new features (good stuff here)
« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2003, 09:38:56 PM »
I lot of ideas I was against, but the one I did like was the clan match mode. Action Quake2 did a fair job at this. Preventing observers to talk, organizing how a match starts, like both teams join then the captains type "ready" and the countdown begins. I think it had overflow preventions, which paused the game if one team disapeared, rather then ending the game/map.
I think it went..
-Only captains had messagemode/say ability, all the rest had messagemode2/say_team.
-both captains had to type start
-a way to pause the match because of something.. overflows in pball are common...
-something something.

No need to get technical anyways. I just want DP v2 some time with or without many many many enhancements. i'll take the 24bit textures, paint stains, player models, and jit in a wedding dress.


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Re: My ideas for new features (good stuff here)
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2003, 06:01:03 PM »
We're set on the wedding dress.  I'm still working on the rest...