I dont mean to start another post, but I think this should be kept seperate and should be first. Any edits or additions to this I will just do on this first post so that this thread doesnt get too long and everyone can easily see the current version of this file.
Disclaimer: This is a work in progress and not really organized entirely too well just yet.
This is just various ideas that have come up and been generally agreed on by myself and
several other DP'ers of the community who are held in high respect, more or less. Quite a
bit of this will be officially put together by the actual committee once it has been formed.
- at least 1 rep per active and legit clan
- additional reps based on positive achievement towards the game and community
- no formal limit on reps per clan
- in special cases where an individual deserves to be nominated but is already in a clan
with the max reps, the committee will vote to let him in or not
- every clan has 1 equal vote
- the committee shall nominate and elect a leader to moderate the committee when needed
- moderator is neutral and will not have a vote
- in the RARE situation where the committee can not come to an acceptable agreement, the
moderator is allowed to take action
The initial committee will be formed by nomination from the people. A list of these
possibilities with their qualifications will be compiled and looked at. Anyone who doesn't
seem like they should belong will be tossed off, anyone who seems like they should be in
will be checked in and eventually we will have our commitee.
Anyone can just about nominate anyone else with a few stipulations.
- nominations for clan representatives should only be made by members of that clan
- nominations should be actively involved in the game or community
Note: This is not a vote. It does not matter who gets the most nominations, just that you
get nominated period and then informally decided that you deserve that nomination.
Hopefully more clans will emerge and more people deserving of being involved in the
committee will come around. The initial committee will agree on a procedure for recognizing
new and legit clans and electing new members into the committee.
A few ideas I have on that so far:
- if a new clan meets the requirements, that clan shall be allowed to nominate a
representative into the committee
- anyone in the community can nominate any individual that they think deserves to be
involved, based on their contributions to the game and community. The committee will then
review the case and vote to elect him in or not.
- in the event that a clan dies, a vote will be held by the rest of the committee (not
including members involved) to decide whether or not that member can stay in or not
- any member of the committee who questions the level of activity and contributions of
another member can request a . The moderator will review the case and decide if its a valid
clan, in which case if it is the committee will vote on it.
Ok so we formed a committee - now what are we supposed to do? Basically there will be a
private forum where we will bring up issues and ideas. Everyone will be able to read and
discuss these issues. Eventually we will have a formal meeting where we will discuss the
issue at stake one last time and then make a vote.
Some ideas that could be open for discussion:
- standardizing match format and rules
- requirements for clan legitimization
- acceptable maps, espcially for use in matching
- recommended server settings / try to get server admins to follow most of the time
- maybe design a clan/matching website
- deal with various issues that may arise in the community